MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

literaly never saw someone say review bomb here, besides that it is the comulation of the fuck up of all recent bad decisions of gajin about handling armor, stingers literaly only wanting to give spall liner to T-90M at the start and etc

And fact is you never provided any source or reason why the stingers and mistrals shouldnt be able to reach 20g average, iglas are different missles and cant be used for comparisons easy as that, the stingers should be modeled after the available data

You don’t seem to understand the problem either. Gaijin are using a single factor to approximate the real guidance parameters, people above have posted graphs, arguments and calculations that show why and how Gaijin’s factor cannot be applied to all missiles. If you are unable to understand these, I’m afraid I cannot help you.

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Show me the correct graphs, please

Right, what is “available”. To me, that is another way of saying “max”.

show me the graphs that prove stinger/mistrals dont have 20g /25 average

Because both the su 27 and the f15 are extremely capable ingame, again you are wrong about legit everything you say, if you have nothing valuable to add to the conversation why speak?

i too would prefer if the su 27 and the f15 worked like they should (for the su27 it wouldnt be as good as youi think, unless you like burning all your speed just to die to a aim 9m), but air rb is broken to say the least at top tier and insted of pestering gaijin for new aircraft you guys should band up and make gaijin fix the fucking game.

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The problem of word comprehension

yep, you seem to have a problem with that, nicely said

According to British documents, it shoots down a target maneuvering at 7g, while the Igla shoots down a target maneuvering at 8 at the same speed

Double standards and sheer bloody hypocrisy, thy name is Gaijin.

Just another tally to the Russian Bias board.

The graphs alone are only half the explanation though, you also have to understand the difference in the guidance method as explained by multiple people already.

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same documents state it flies with 20g, besides that it might just destroy 7g targets the most reliable after that it isnt sure anymore but doesnt change the missle flies with 20g itself

I read that, how does it change that stinger claims efficiencies no higher than Igla?

We have 2 instances (including in game) that state max = 13G. Available to me implies max.

This might be a communication error. You could be right. This could all be a giant Typo.

But until that is officially corrected. and:

  • “Available” defintion is provided
  • Max is changed to average
  • They state max is 20G and average is 13G.

Then there will continue to be controversy. That is the problem. For now, the asumption must be that max = average. Which is 13G and we have 2x sources stating it is at least 20G

Long term though, they need to replace the IGLA data points for at minimum a missile that uses the same guidance method as the Stinger, but ideally the stinger data itself. IGLA data should ONLY be used as a short-term stop gap

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If it shoots down 7g targets and the Igla 8, it can’t have a significantly higher average overload (if at all).

It doesn’t, it explains why Gaijin’s assumptions make little sense.

again, you already stated you have a problem with word comprehension earlier

it might only be a difference in how reliable ussr and nato see hit percentage, ussr claiming 8g is speculative at best as well

That’s why I’m done, since I already described the crux of the problem and gave you an example with targets hit, lest you think the stinger is twice as good (then the stinger would shoot down 16g targets).

You can specify what you meant, it doesn’t matter much to me, because whatever you write, you will never understand the code to understand how it really works.

I prefer to play and have fun

It has already been stated that the rule of thumb is that you need approx 3x the G to hit a target. 7G = 21G.

It’s been said above that it’s 80-90% for 8g at Igla and 90%+ 7g Stingers