MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

Igla parameters from the manual don’t have the maximum, but Gaijin can’t have come up with their formula from only the listed 10.2G value.

The 16G value so far is only via the formula, and thus if there is no other source for 16G we cannot treat it as an accurate source.

There’s distance, target speed, and target overload. I know you’re dont know math, but try using the internet to calculate it.


thanks. :)

linking back to Gaijins statements do not help me, i have read them.
i wanted to know about Gaijins sources for that information not where you got the information from.

Screenshot 2023-12-28 151607
They are saying it 22G peak, thus making the average 63% of that.
What most people here claim they have sources on (i’m inclined to believe but have not seen them myself) is that 22G is the avarage, not the peak as used in Gaijins calculations.

Screenshot 2023-12-28 151951
so they changed them to reflect that 63%.

and again, i didn’t ask for YOUR Source (i.e Gaijin) i asked where they got THEIR source from.

would you also please answer in only one post, it makes it really hard to keep track of multiple of your posts that answer only one of mine.

I don’t need to calculate anything. There is not what gaijin ask as source. They ask for a clear statement, from primary or multiple secondary sources, that say the 9M39 can do 16g maximum overload. Calculations and theory is not considered primary source. Theory only says that it could, but doesn’t say It does.

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show sources

They did this so that you can better understand the actual effectiveness of the missile.

he could have specified 22, 25 and 16 for igla, but nothing would have changed.

But they didn’t. That is pretty f***ing big difference.

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A graph of the target hit is a sufficient source.

Knowing the distance, target velocity and overload, we can easily calculate the missile’s prameters.

They wrote that they wanted to make players UNDERSTAND so they wouldn’t wonder why a 25g rocket looks smaller and wrote the one that rocket gives out in most situations.

Apparently they care for nothing about such shitty players that don’t know math and can’t read

They could say that its fueled by tears of unicorn and its fins are made of angel feathers, but they don’t. Thats the difference. You need to read it at face value and it states 10g

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I don’t see any graphs for stinger, so it’s just unreliable. Igla is modeled accurately

No one is questioning the igla model. How hard it is to understand. Everyone else but you is questioning why the fuck did they used the igla as basis to calculate the stinger and the mistral when they are different systems and operate differently.


i just said that i don’t have, but others claim.

no, the statcard (AND average G-load) previously have been 10G and 12G. they increased the average G for those missiles to 13G and 16G and also the information on the statcard.

this image only shows an average of 8G. not a max of 16 like the person asked for.

I.e. if you don’t question the Igla, it has a 16g max overload? You just claimed otherwise

What I’m trying to say is that it doesn’t matter if the card is 16, 22 and 25 or 10, 13 and 16. It’s the same thing

Im sayin you don’t have the official source source for that. As you cannot calculate the medium for the stinger and mistral with the same formula as the one used to identify a medium for a non-rolling missile when its a rolling system and functions differently from the igla non-rolling system.

You just said that Igla’s performance does not raise any questions for you. Do you agree with the way it is implemented in the game?

The igla yes. 10g average or what not. The mistral and the stinger, on the way they said they did on this post hell no. They used a formula that is not applicable to the mistral and stinger system because they are not non-rolling missiles. Their medium is wrong because their formula is wrong, they don’t have the correct way to calculate the medium for the mistral and stinger because they don’t want to. At least is what they are showing

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If you agree with how Igla is made in the game, then it turns out you agree that she has 16 max g. Because that’s how many in the game

The developer showed the average, showed the formula he uses. According to it, at 10.2 g average for igla, she has a 16 max.

yes, but that has not been the problem.
the problem is that people think that all of that is wrong.
because writing:
peak 20G
average 13G
means the same.

its not that that is the problem.
users claim that the 20G is the avarage, not the peak.
thus making it:
Peak 32G
average 20G

I do not know if this is correct, but it seems like you have misunderstood what people are arguing.

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