MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

According to russian documents T-34 has 76.2 mm gun, I BELIEVE that Tiger II being more or less similar in shape (at least when you are looking at it from 2 km away) also has 76.2 mm gun.

gotta love this way of thinking…


the thing is. the document (MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details - #462 by LeGrandSarrazin) does not say average, it says available (if translation is correct).
and i personally read that as maximum. example: if you have 5 apples available to you, you can’t eat more than 5. you might be full after 3, but there are only 5 available.

also, more information about mistral if you are interested:

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God damn man. I hope the devs realise what Kind of Shitshow they are riding themselves Into and reconsider their approach. Especially after their way of Handling the TUSK and 2a7v

I know Russian well and it’s not used that way. In context it means “constant” “average” “ordinary” in terms of easily achievable, not extremely achievable

The meaning changes a bit here because of the military jargon.

The word means something permanently and readily available. The maximum parameter is called something else.

It says so because the information is from a book for training, where it doesn’t make sense to write “advertising parameters”, but something average in practice

Which still doesn’t mean average. my example with the apples still apply to those words.

What would the maximum be called?
Do we have any sources anywhere that has the number 16G in them?

this makes sense, but do we have any proof for that?

(these questions might sound rhetorical and like i’m mocking, but i’m actually curious and do want to know, no ill ment).

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gajin literally shares these parameters, i.e. he says that the available overload of igla according to the above calculation is 63% of maximum

Does anyone have a source where this maximum amount is listed?

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maximum = максимальная. available - располагаемая.

Since the igla parameters are taken from the manual, it was customary to write available overload there.

Here we go again. They make it clear they wanted to calculate the average overload. They’re not saying the Stinger’s maximum overload isn’t 22g, they’re saying it’s average

Gaijin needs to stop using russian sources in regards to western equipment. Its absolutely ridiculous that they think thats ok. ill repeat. STOP USING RUSSIAN SOURCES FOR WESTERN EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE.

I.e. they literally write that 10.2 is not the maximum overload of the rocket. They could have specified 16 for the maximum

And they have yet to share any reliable source that clearly states that the maximum overload of the 9M39 Igla is 16g.

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And do you have a source that says how long and under what conditions a stinger produces 22g?

But they didn’t, so there is no source that says the Igla can physically do 16g of maximum overload.

Literally, here it is. If she couldn’t, she couldn’t have hit the target

see there

No, but the source says it can do 22g. Does the igla source says that it can do 16g?

No clear statement or number stating 16gs here.


How long can he do 22g? The first second? Okay. Then 1g, because you have no proof.