MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

Right, so the rocket won’t turn. How do you prove that it should average X amount of overload?

Im not going to prove. Without offical data you cant. Without them you dont know how much fins pull in said moment, what is the rotating speed, what is the speed of the missle. All these things are in a diagram that is not in my hands.

So we can model igla, but stinger can’t?

Okay. So you agree that because of the lack of data, the stinger should not be able to turn, because we can’t know how it does it.

We can make a guess, see missiles that use simmilar or the same guiding principle and compare it to that. And if it is not available we can make a guess based on its behavior on videos. If that is also not possible we take a value that seems fine to what we expect it to do.

But if you don’t agree with this topic, then you shouldn’t use videos and theoretical formulas.

So you can’t

Theoretical formula and Irl performance are 2 different things.
Do i disagree with using igla formula to stinger and mistral? Yes as they use different guiding principle.
About max g i explained before


Exactly. We don’t have the stinger full data, but we have the mistral’s. And they use the same or very similar rolling system. You could do a educated guess that is what the gaijin claims it does with classified systems. But using the same principles of the igla on the stinger is being disingenuous on the least or doing with malice at the most.


He is trying to confuse and derail the discussion like they always do.


Good enough to shotdown Russian jet and missile out of the sky so it not look like 13G to me

Bro thats not the point. Lets not bring politics to a fucking game forum.

What? it the best source how effective stinger really is that you can’t find anywhere but the real war and it already prove how effective it is.

Yeah probably, but let’s not give anyone ammunition to start a political opinion war on this please.

fair enough

If Stinger writes maximum we can assume it means maximum.
However, above a source on Igla writes “Available overload”, not average. (Располагаемые перетруски)

Available, to me, suggests that “this much can be used, but not more”. If you have 10 apples available to you, you can’t eat 16 apples.

Knowing only the average overload capability would be as useful as listing only the average velocity of a rifle bullet instead of the muzzle velocity, and that’s why Igla is not very likely to have listed an average value. It’s also worse for your sales approach to list a lower number.


@Stona_WT and @OrsonES I don’t mean to be pushy or to bother you guys, but a lot of people made very good points and provided trustworthy source on how this is not the correct approach to deal with this issue. Is it any of these being looked into?


Its christmas and new year time, do not expect anything.


as much as i want them to fix it fast i agree with Devil its Christmas and New Year so we have to wait abit

Yeah I know, don’t want to be pushy. They will answer when they have the time to do it

so i wish all of you a Happy New Year in advance and lets hope for better things next year