MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

Gaijin logic – “If Russian engineers can’t do it, no one can”

Peak Russian Bias.


So let me get this straight: russian sources can be taken seriously and sources stating technical stats of nato equipment are just assumed to be false?

What the hell is your point and what are you even filtering by lol

Youre proving that US top tier is shit

  1. Youre not even filtering by my best stuff

  2. Youre disgusting. Just get out of here. Trying to shut someone up over some video game stats?

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Oh are you talking about my 2s38 stats? I have like 5 games in it lol.

The HSTVL is shit in comparison, get out of here

Dont even come at me with that. If in my first 5 games I can do that well, something is wrong. I dont even know what im doing yet with it, meanwhile with the HSTVL you have to play full metal god to even be relevant. Give me a bit more, that 2s38 will be at the top of my stats bracket

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personal stats mean nothing in the big picture it just shows that you can perform well in it but if anything you just got gets a very good KDR right away then something is wrong and i also agree the 2S38 is too strong for its BR when looking at other Auto Cannon only Vehicles at its own BR

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I just want to say I agree with the people who say this explanation makes no sense, especially in light of previous explanations that contradict this one, as has been pointed out.

The explanations posted by people in replies have been very interesting and seem like quite logical refutations.

See, Gaijin keeps posting this sort of nonsense devblogs that fool no one.
And yet they wonder why the hell is their issues report place is filled with duplicate bug reports.

the thing is why not send all the reports over for certain bugs so you know the Programmers have more data to work with

Well, it depends on at who the dup bug gets actioned. Some mods just close and ignore them while other add things from the dupe to the “internal” report (the thing passed to the devs)

Btw this argument with the rotation is bullshit, not all missiles need to rotate, not even the sidewinders or r60s in your own game rotate during flight, that’s why there are things like canards and fins and so on, rotation is more important on non-finned projectiles. Just because the 9M39 is rotating that much and therefore the average G-Overload is reduced to 10, doesn’t mean other MANPADs do it exactly the same. Maybe try to work with your sources if you already have them, instead of pulling some poor excuse out of your arse.

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Combined plane maneuverability is not modeled at all. If it were, not only would the Magic 2 be 50G, but the R-73 would be buffed to 60G.

So breaking the game was the solution? At least why didn’t they add the Jaguars in the same patch? Hmm… Japanese bias?

Systematic bias is a myth that some people want to really stress out into existence. You see what you want to see. But Gaijin acting clueless and dumb is a fact and nothing new.

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Occam’s Razor: Don’t attribute to malice what could be attributed to recklessness.
[Yes I know it’s not recklessness in the official quote.]

2s38 is classes as an spaa by the russian government im pretty surte

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So if I understand this correctly, you only know the Peak G overload of Mistral, FIM-92, and FN-6s. As for the 9M39 Igla, you know both Average G and Peak G. So in a nutshell you made a sort of ratio of Average G and Peak G in order to calculate the Average G of Mistral, FIM-92, and FN-6s?

If my understanding is somewhat accurate, I believe it is a pretty fair thing to do considering the missiles are similar enough and the game’s technical limitations. Unless I am missing something huge, I assume the people complaining are ignorant or simply don’t understand, especially considering Mistral, FIM-92, and FN-6s have been buffed to be proportionally better than the 9M39 Igla in accordance with the open sources.

Mistral: 25.0 MaxG x .6366 = 15.9 AvailableG
FIM-92: 20.0 MaxG x .6366 = 12.7 AvailableG
9M39: 16.0 MaxG x .6366 = 10.2 AvailableG

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They Stingers were buffed.

Except they really aren’t.


as long as everyone here knows nothings gonna change cause its Russian propaganda, we might as well stop playing any other nation and only play Russia


Wow, and I was having an okay day before seeing this.

Then based on this post, there is virtually no incentive to upload primary or secondary sources that are not Russian equipment in nature, since Gaijin is very clearly basing NATO equipment specifications on existing Russian ones and their own feelings on the matter, instead of other open sources…

Despite stating they do not wish to do so not one post before. The double standard on display here is heinous.

Normally I think it is acceptable to give Gaijin the benefit of the doubt since many of the modern vehicles in service in the game are classified and difficult to find real sources on (despite the many, MANY instances of vehicles that are not Russian being artificially gimped or are not un-nerfed, and vice versa where Russian vehicles receive buffs or changes based on circumstantial evidence at best simply because it is beneficial to their operation), but this is an admittance on Gaijin’s developer team that they simply refuse to respect actual open sources THEY admit to in their post, and instead choose to go with their own thoughts and judgements on whether equipment specifications should perform to a certain level.

“They look similar externally so therefore they could not possibly have better aerodynamic performance” has got to be the dumbest argument made I have seen in this game.
If we’re going by that logic, then since R73 has very tiny fins compared to AIM-9M Sidewinder, it could not possibly achieve the performance we see in-game. But we do not see any changes of this nature for Russian equipment, where the performance is negatively impacted because NATO sources claimed that the equipment was inferior compared to those stated by Russian ones, or even changes based on “we assume” or “we believe”.

This is such a massive spit in the face of bug reporters and people who gather sources to send to Gaijin, as well as people who actually curate those sources on forums and etc. It’s downright disrespectful.

This goes beyond the missile specs in question. If you are going to base equipment specifications on what YOU believe to be factual, why bother asking for Non-Russian sources at all? All you are doing is wasting people’s time and forcing divides in the community. You are pissing on everyone (and especially the people who actually gather and collate sources in the first place) and do not even have the decency to call it rain.

Generally I think it is a waste to write in forums where Gaijin will almost certainly 99% censor and ignore, but when you take people’s efforts and time and simply toss it into the rubbish bin like it’s used tissue paper, that I feel, is incredibly offensive.


Everyone already knows this and everyone except the regular die-hard gaijin shills have criticized their logical inconsistency. They say that they listen but it seems they only listen to one thing.

Technically yes, but I think the worse problem is favoring Russian sources about Russia’s use of crappy technology (Bang-Bang) in the Iglas, concluding that NATO missiles using better technology (PID) on the Stinger or Mistral must have the same limitations of the crappy technology, and then ignoring how stupid they sound saying so.

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