MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

knowing gaijin thats intentional, hence they introduced the new optical tracking feature on the strela/japanese SAM :D so doubt thats a bug


Nah it was not a but, as helicopters generate less friction heat due to moving slower and some have HIRSS, so no bugs there or something.

Then they would have to address the datalink that Stingers had, making them effectively micro SAMs


UV seeker, something something?

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Yesterday I couldn’t for the life of me lock a heli at 2km away.

Stingers usually lock helis out to 3.5km, but not this one for some reason.


I’ve actually got a practical demonstration everyone at home can do to show themselves the difference in control authority between these missiles.

Stand up.

Find two objects to use as “reference objects”, and place yourself between them.

Now, I want you to slowly spin on the spot. Slowly, as to prevent getting yourself super disoriented.

Every single time a reference object enters the center of your vision (around 5 degrees of your total field of view); extend your arms for the moment that object is still in the center of your vision.

Pull your arms back if the reference objects are not directly in the center of your vision.

This represents “Bang-Bang” control theory, famously used in SA-14.

For proper control theory, do the same first three steps, except slowly extend your arms once a reference object enters your field of view (peripheral vision included, so all ~80 to 90 degrees you can observe) and pull them back as it exits your field of view.

This represents PID control as used for other rolling airframe missiles.

Do note the extended amount of time your physical “canards” are deflected and actually doing things with PID vs Bang-Bang.

It’s almost as if PID makes faster and more precise inputs for a longer period in the rolling airframe missile’s rotation. Crazy, right?

EDIT: You don’t even need more than one reference object if you don’t want to use two.


o consistency at all. When it comes to spaw liners for everyone you need freeking classifies info on how they are distributed, and when it comes to stingers it’s " I don’t think they would have been able to pull it off therefore no"


no, specifically when launched from LAV-AD or Weisel the Stinger would track to its target using datalink, engaging automatically when in seeker range. No need for a fancy multi-mode seeker when you can just bring the missile inside lock range.


Yea i know, but UV seeker is also a thing…

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An explanation so intuitive even I can understand it. Bravo!


it most certainly is, one issue at a time.

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Bet they will add UV before datalink?

if igla’s didnt have then no, thats how gaijin seem to role

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Did Igla have either? Yes? Then they will add it. It doesn’t? Well, it won’t be implemented in the game.


Not afaik

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Honestly wouldn’t surprise me if the truth of it was some amount of Russian benefactors that influence these decisions. This series of devblogs inadvertently exposed their inconsistencies when dealing with modern tech and I’m expecting there’s a major backlash that affects top tier coming soon.


Well, it did not afaik

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oh by the way this is prime example of why primary source doesn’t matter. “primary source” is just an excuse for not doing/ doing something. No matter what you find about the leopard’s or the Abram’s or the Leclerc 's armor values it won’t change.


this isnt about primary sources, this is about gaijin thinking igla’s and mistrals are “similar” because the aerodynamic surfaces are similar when that simply is not how any of this works, it all comes down to the logic and internal systems how such surfaces are effected, but the fact they ignore there OWN source just because “igla’s suck so mistrals must too” is honestly the the most idiotic logic ive seen from gaijin in the last 7-8 years of playing


But we can have fantasy nerfs because Gaijin feels like it, apparently