MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

It’s not the first time they made a huge blunder. They’ve always been this terrible at times. Some people just choose to see it through that one narrow perspective because it’s a familiar and popular recurring idea or theme in the community.

Sorry but when they purposely deny all those sources and evidences in order not to buff Nato vehicles while using russian sources to keep them in nerfed state its become cristal clear that they are doing this on purpose.

This is not looking from narrow perspective, its the reality.


remeber brother, nothing can be better than russian technology, if it is its a lie…


When I say that, I’m talking about claiming “Russian bias”. There have been plenty of times where systematic bias towards other nations apparently seemed evident, but was not pointed out. Only supposed Russian bias is ever grumbled at. That’s what I mean.

I don’t believe it ever existed, or that there had been any form of bias towards any nation at all, but I hope they’re going to take advantage of this and re-release that Master of the Russian Bias title since I couldn’t buy it the last time)


Of course comrade those western spies are lying about their technology.

Mother Russia will always be the best :)

its not like 1 month ago russian Striela had a big problem to shot down a Polish drone at Ukraine and at the final this drone just destory Striela but in this game… nothing can stop Striela magick rocket. ^^

Strela is straight up broken at this moment.

İts funny considering Ozelot sits at higher br while bein significantly worse vehicle.


Lmao people complaining about the Strela while ignoring the equally undertiered Type 81 are funny.

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Oh but it was.

Remember overperforming russian APHE,APCBC rounds? How about UFO Yak series or T series overperforming armor?

That list goes on and on but i dont have energy or time to talk about that.


Russian MBTs having UFPs that overperform by 90mm LOS, Russia constantly getting top tier vehicles that they didn’t need (2S38, Pantsir, etc), refusal of multiple sources on fixing NATO MBTs, adding stuff to Russian vehicles such as the thermals on the T-80 that only prototypes got, adding vehicles before they had completed their military trials, i.e. 2S38. I can’t be assed typing more, you can look them up yourself.
Point is, there is clear favoritism, for what reason, I don’t know. Maybe it is about selling more premiums but if that’s the case, then it shouldn’t matter which TT premiums go to. You will make just as much money from adding OP bullshit stuff to Germany or USA, since everyone will flock to buy them.
If the favoritism is about national bias, then they are worthy of getting review bombed again.


Forgot about the elephant in the room. Spall liners were ONLY added to the game, after the soviets got their first Spall liner equipped tank (and one of very few that had them) despite “top tier” nato tanks having missing spall liners for at least 2+ years


Remember Japanese UFO flight models too? And how they always had airspawns while other teams needed to take off? The R2Y2 as well? T-2 on launch and for a year? If you’re fair you will call out Japanese bias.

Or what about when only .50 cals used to work between 2016 - 2018, how the US had overperforming CAS equipment for that duration, and how they were consistently receiving very good treatment in terms of content. American bias? I’ve only seen it called out here and there as a light joke.

What you’ve just described also similarly affects other nations. Every nation is riddled with inaccuracies, and some of those benefit them, but only the Soviet tree is called out for them. If you find for example several tanks of X nation overperforming, you’ll look at it as bugs that have to be reported, but if they’re Russian you raise your tone. I’ll leave it there.

EDIT: just to make sure we’re on the same page, I’m against the notion that there is bias, I’m with the fact that Gaijin are just being their usual selves again. It’s just whatever to me at this point.


The Tan-Sam is equally busted but at least it’s sitting at a higher BR. The problem with Strela is that it constantly faces planes with no flares and/or that can’t maneuver hard enough to dodge the missile. The Tan-Sam could easily go to 10.7, and Strela at 10.3 where they will fight planes that have somewhat of a chance of fighting back.
I am not advocating for CAS to be impervious to being countered, but when you give ONE SINGULAR NATION the best SPAA in an almost ±1.0 BR range, it becomes problematic.
Don’t get me started on the fact that the Su-25s repeatedly tank Stingers, without being forced to land, while A-10s get looked at and lose all elevator authority.

Strela being allowed to exist at 9.3 when it got a buff that makes its missiles never lose lock, even after 200+ flares have been dropped, is a crime.


The thing that is more telling about this whole damn idea is that they have chosen to post this devblog only on the forums, which shows how scare they are about this topic and their point of view on it being showed to the average joe there. Just hilarious.


Apparently myself, Flame, and others that criticize War Thunder are the real enemies. Criticizing War Thunder is healthy and I’ll continue doing it with every other rational person in the community. I am just a cog in the machine of progress toward a better War Thunder.

This thread is about MANPADS after all.

I don’t appreciate being attacked in this thread after I endorsed fixing Stingers & Mistrals.
I’ve been attacked for defending Gripen, and never changing my stances during discussions either.

Edited out off-topic stuff cause it was foolish of me to type it in the first place.

Gaslighiting at its finest.


Ok, i was gone from this topic for a day WTH happend here?

Oh you wanna go down that road? Sure then.

Would you like to talk about how current russian tanks overperfoming armor? Or Ka-50-52’s broken damage model alongside with Vikhr missiles that caused havoc before the huge nerf? Not exploding russian ammo carousel?

What about old school mm where Is-3-4 was facing Tiger-1’s? Or getting first Sam system and ignoring every cas options? Prototype 2S38 that has no proper information for public?

Sure other nations also overperformed on some areas but none of them came close to Russia when it comes bein that broken.

This is not a fight you can win, i suggest dont push it.


I, the community, & all content creators are gaslighters & shills for criticizing War Thunder now.

My first post on this thread:

I really don’t get how people can hate someone that wants NATO systems improved.

I need to read this topic, but i have a feeling i dont want to.