MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

see this is what bugs me with them doing this blog, I would 100% be fine if they said this and something along the lines of "due to engine limitations/coding we cannot implement the rolling momentum and would be difficult to calculate, therefor the G overload will be estimated or not achievable at the moment.

But instead they have there own head up there behind and think they know better than official public sources and testing data and assume “because they look similar then its not achievable”


i was following along until those last few paragraphs.

they don’t even use the same control system. and i do believe you even got primary sources on at least on of these missiles. does that mean nothing anymore?


Yeah, it means nothing. They now disregard primary sources in favor of what they “believe” because they clearly are much better at calculating the performance of the missiles than the actual creators of the missiles. So brilliant are they, in fact, that they can calculate the precise performance with no physical examples using a totally different worse missile alone.


Well, Well, Well, if this isn’t a way to forgot the good intentions they(Dev team) had last year(after a certain event),… i don’t know what this is is.

They’re trying again to ignore their community,by saying out-loud that they disrespect what they have put in place about bug reports, and they also telling us that Russia would never see any of their “mighty” system being underpowered because Russian Systems(which were technologically late of about 5 to 10 years behind USA and europeans IRL of course) are the best ones (lol).

Ukraine showed the ability of Many European systems used in minor quantities having higher results than Russian ones → explain to me why Russian Systems are used as reference over those Europeans/US systems?

Propaganda at it’s finest / dooble standards are not only visible now, but completely assumed,…

Yet GAIJIN POV of the situation is that WE [the community] are wrong to cry,…(let me laugh then)


Okay… so in conclusion, you’re making it all up.

The community has already provided plenty of unclassified, reliable documents to back it up but you toss it out because it happens to be better than Russian equipment. There’s a reason why trillions of $$$ are dumped into western weapons, it makes them perform better, quality over quantity.


What happened to “Russian sources are not valid for Western technology” Gaijin? Honestly, I would respect you more if you just admitted you can’t tolerate Russian vehicles being worse than NATO ones for a split second, under any circumstances. The double standards are appalling.

If your only logic is “belief” to justify wasting the time of people going to enormous lengths to meet the criteria you set for lodging bug reports, why should anyone bother?

Between this, the constant handwaving of Russian technology (despite never allowing this for any other nations), the Abrams fiasco, the way you’ve handled the Challengers… as a UK/US main, you’ve made it abundantly clear you don’t want my business.

I’m going to be more than happy to oblige you, Gaijin, and the $6K I’ve spent on the game since 2017 (between console and PC) would be plenty glad to turn the tap off, as you so clearly want. I didn’t even stop 7 months ago, but this is the straw that broke the camel’s back.


It is nothing short of amazing that Gaijin believes posts like this and the other one about the hull armour of the Abrams last week serve anything other than riling up the community. I believe I can speak for everyone here when I say that we appreciate the transparency, but it’s only highlighting the issues that are present in the decision making process at Gaijin.

Countless times perfectly valid sources about Western vehicles are discarded based on nothing but conjecture and “expert opinions” on Gaijin’s side, but Russian vehicles get buffed based on propaganda videos, receive equipment because the devs could “reasonably believe” they would get them, or are completely made up.

Internal consistencies are not present either. Just last week you said Russian sources can’t be used for balancing Western tech, yet here we have this debacle. The T-80B got thermals because fewer than half a dozen prototypes carried them, but the same logic cannot be applied to any other vehicles?


if we go by the 80B then the PSO should get the addon armor the PUMA should have MELLS rightaway the FlaRakRad should have the better VT1 the PSO should also have at least Gen 2 Thermals same for the 2A5 6 and for the Abrams dont forget the missing Commander Sights on all that are not A2s


If anything, it just shows the inherent bias Gaijin has against NATO vehicles. They base their reasoning from Soviet / Russian gear capabilities and then explore what NATO gear could do with the same parameters, conveniently forgetting NATO always were at least 10 years ahead of Soviet / Russian gear and thus benefit from various innovations.

Wanna see it in action ? They limited their reasoning with bang-bang guidance and didn’t even think about taking a look at the biggest innovation when it comes to guidance : PID missile guidance … Why ? Well, because Igla doesn’t use it !

What’s even worse with the Mistrals / Stingers, is that these 2 missiles are themselves 10-20 years older than the Igla. But hey, westards simply couldn’t possibly innovate in 2 decades in the face of glorious soviet engineering lmao


keep in mind the Igla was copied from a older Stinger version too so the E/K should have better tracking more overload and more range vs low heat targets when compared to the Igla


Thats really the sticking point for me. The transparency is a nice change of pace, but you might as well not be transparent if “being transparent” means;

  • ignoring primary and secondary sources
  • making shit up based on horrid assumptions
  • outright lying
  • generally disrespecting and/or belittling the people making these bug reports

My Steam review is now “Back to their same old shit”.


Kinda like how they use single plane g load for missiles only, which is common in the russian missiles we have in-game while many western missiles use combined plane guidance, leading to russian missiles VASTLY outperforming western counterparts, and gaijin stating if we ever want western missiles buffed in that regard we need to “prove the missiles ALWAYS maneuvers using combined plane”


Yeah this is what it boils down to at this point. It’s clear there is some sort of control from Moscow, that isn’t explained to the player base.


well Gaijin still has people in Moscow which are the ones who mostly decided everything so it makes sense


We know they have employees in Moscow, but to the degree they control everything is still a mystery. It’s only getting more obvious, to what power they do hold though.


How often do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?

You: make complete Dog shit decisions noone agrees with.

The Community: makes your live as devs as hard as possible

You: cave in.

Why dont we Just skip the middle Part and you simply listen to your Community who really try to keep with you, instead of fighting them


not possible i mean look back at may we had to fight them really hard for them to even listen to us and its really sad it had to come down to that




Realism takes a back seat to Russian copium, naturally.