MANPADS Missiles and Overload: The Technical Details

Western designers clearly lie about their capabilities and overblow them while Soviet engineers would never lie and publish only the most factual of information and undersell their capabilities!


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Gaijin: you cant beat me

Playerbase: i know… but he can


Snow map?

They’ve proven time and again that the only way to make them listen is by hurting their wallet.

“If you want to voice your concern, do so on our forums as that’s the only place we listen to”. (They censor them)

“If you want to get a vehicle updated or repaired, or spot an error, tell us.” (They ignore it, then tell you to submit a bug report.)

“If you want to submit a bug report, we need a signed document from the President of the United States, the personal assent of King Charles, 80 different classified manuals, and testimony from a designer. If it’s Russian though, Sergey’s retelling of the time he saw it from 1986 in a newspaper is fine.” (And if you somehow clear this bar, then they’ll still ignore it for NATO tanks anyway because of “belief”.)

“If you want to express your dissatisfaction with this, do so respectfully.” (We do, they delete them or outright ignore them.)

"How could you review bomb and boycott us? This is so unreasonable. :'( "

If you remove all ways for people to meaningfully enact change and respectfully discuss things, then why are you, Gaijin, surprised that the players start resorting to not spending money and leaving bad reviews en-masse? It’s not like you gave us any other choice.


“Experts” lol, give me a break. What are your engineering backgrounds?


ok so you were forced to buff manpads because people were sick of sending documents prooving they were much better irl yet choose to interpret documents in the worse way possible? how does a 22g overload limit turn into a 13g overload limit? i HIGHLY doubt that all those sources pertaining the stinger and mistral maneuverability would refer to the G’s achieved during acceleration it wouldnt make sense, especially when they specify with words such as “maneuverability” and “lateral acceleration”, also physics? if its able to pull 22 g’s at the peak there is no way in hell it would average 13 g’s thats not physically possible when you take into account the thigns we know about the stinger and mistral.


Still refuse to change mine until the fulfill all the original promises

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no you need to understand that they have engineers that worked on this weapons thats why they keep talking about shit they cant physically know about and keep ignoring actual concrete evidence.

they straight up ACT like they know as much a primary source they keep making assumptions about design specifications they have no way of knowing and keep ignoring actual evidence.

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One day I saw a bird doing a barrel roll. He was obviously using the bang bang method and could not achieve more than 3G of average G load. Thus, using this very scientific method, I believe none of the Manpad should be able to pull more than 3G, as both the Manpads and bird had wings, thus they can be directly compared


You’re right! There is more evidence that it could be faster than 5 seconds with an Ace crew. Their own expert interview shows this. You’re not making the point you want here bud


Most of the german a-a missiles on top tier are a work of fiction. Stop making everything about muh ru bias, does more harm than good at this point. There is no excuse by gaijin to claim historical accuracy and do such shit, and any double standard

I tried searching about it too, but sadly I must conclude Gaijin is right in that case. Stinger only uses one set of rotating fins, the other 2 being fixed. You can see from pictures as well (though not very well) that for 2 sets of fins (in the T-shaped slots) there is no room for rotation, while the other 2 have an extra (more circular) cutout made for them.

from a DTIC report: Stinger Post Hybrid Simulation: Design Description and Users’ Manual




from “Critical Technology Events in the Development of the Stinger and Javelin Missile Systems” by John Lyons, Duncan Long, and Richard Chait

I suppose the latter can be confirmed by pictures of a stinger missile on launch:



So I suppose we shouldn’t waste too much time trying to justify the Gs with that reasoning. I am still researching and trying to understand the exact workings of the stinger missile to verify the reasoning of the blog. But this is just to clear up the confusion on the fins. However, I think the Mistral might have a case going for it that it does use 4 fins. Which with some logic could get either 18Gs then, or 22G average (?) if it also still rolls.

The WT model uses 4 of the same fin slots, all with circular cutout at the front which would allow for fin rotation. Not sure how accurate that is though.



Mistral 3 looks to have 4 idential slots as well, which could suggest that the earlier mistrals work similar?



That would make sense to me that the mistral at least has room for having 4 mechanised winglets, as the missile is noticeably bigger than the stinger and Igla I believe. Then again, I wholly think this response is partly some (not very well done) research from the devs on the Igla, and partly some massive amount of copium to explain why they can’t accept primary source that could potentially massively buff western techs compared to their Russian equivalents. Now again, @DirectSupport made a response that does not require the use of 4 mechanised wings, just like @LeGrandSarrazin and @BeautifulTai_wan (BTW I love you guys, you are the GOATs in this thread). Thus, the devs explanation for the stinger is also ass as far as I am concerned.
All in all, the generally higher G loads that are stated for the Mistral compared to the Stinger might very well be explainable thanks to this as well, even it the reasoning for how 12G is simply not realistic does not revolve around that


That explains a lot!

The best I could find was a diagram from some weapons employment manual that listed the control fin section simply as ‘control surfaces’


Quite significanlty yes. Now that does make me wonder how the TY-90 got its 20Gs. Sure the TY-90 isn’t a MANPAD by name, but it a very similar size and weight to the Mistral last time i checked. It does have 4 moving fins, but the fin size is very small as well, comparable to MANPADS. I mean, if I can also use the “similarity” argument Gaijin is using…

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What do you mean? They clearly said “experts” feel this so it must be true no?

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TY-90 has fixed external fins, which means there’s more room inside the control section for servos

So, TLDR. There is absolutely no way that the west (which is usually 30 years ahead of the soviet) could make a missile that was better. Therefore, we are taking any and all reports of western missiles performing better than this as false information, despite multiple sources stating otherwise

3G down, 7-9G more to go.


Gaijin are honestly asking for another up rising at this point because they are clearly showing that they are bias against NATO from Abrams, leopard 2 and now NATO manpads and a can only assume there going to do the same to chally 2 which is honestly is just going to deepen the confirmation that they are NATO biased !!