Making Russian Tank Protection more realistic

air bu yes, i jumped the gun a bit lol.

BMP3? I haven’t seen one this entire year let alone died to any in the history of War Thunder.
The only time I’ve died to BMP-2Ms were when I was in light tanks, which makes sense.
2S38 is literally just a Soviet Strf 9040C. Interesting that you think HSTVL is 12.0 capable, and Strf 9040C is 11.0, unless your post is just shilling for Soviet equipment.
The fact that Sweden had “the 2S38” for far longer… I hope you complained about it just as much.
Pantsir is literally a sidegrade to TOR-M1 and equally useless against my F-16 and Mirage 2000.
Su-25SM3 being equivalent to my Harrier GR7 changes nothing.

T-90M is superior to T-80BVM in every way, and even T-80U has more overall armor than BVM.


I had heard people were saying the t90m was worse but i guess that was wrong, spall liners are actually pretty usefull. The bmp 3 is a monster when in the hands of a squad more than 1 as ive had games where they sat at the back of the map and just shot he rounds the entire game. This lead to them having 16 kills and only died to me in my tornado after being over pressured when he hit my track in my challenger (i was malding but he desserved it).

The 2s38 is a better strf 9040 as it has a 76mm apfsds which actually does okay damage as well as an aphe round which you should mainly be using. After the recent update its not as much as a troll but its still excellent.

BMP 2m isnt the best but its still ranked in the top 5 due to it having those missiles.

My main point being russia has such a wide variety of vehicles they can use which can lead to teams just being overrun by the constant push of mbts that full under on par or better than the tank your using if your not germany or sweden. Plus there armour for the most part is over performing due to an inaccuracy in how gaijin determines their armour protection. Technically dm53 should be able to frontally pen a t80bvm upper front plate but that would be very balanced, but a better option would have been not add top tier rounds in the first place. Having at most dm 43 or even 33 would have allowed a more balanced game as it would negate anyone from complaining about tanks having too much pen when they are unpenable themselves.

It is worse.

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2S38 is a 57mm gun, and its APFSDS weighs 950 grams vs 530 grams of the 40mm round.
So while 70% more armor spalling occurs, it’s still no spalling. The “biggest” benefit is 50mm more pen, which would matter if Abrams and Type 90 turret rings were 200mm thick instead of 50mm, so it doesn’t matter currently.

No complaints with the rest of your post, fair perspectives though I disagree a bit with them.

Though there is one thing: DM53 was only ever claimed to defeat Kontakt 5 on T-72B’s array, not Relikt.
Though that may change.

T-90M is FAR more armored, almost as fast forward, and fires the same round.
It’s better.


Which doesn’t matter because both vehicles get usually get penned through their sides. If not, they both get killed through the usual weakspots of the LFP, mantlet or driver’s hatch.

You’re not facing bots, people generally know where to aim and thus negating the armour. Besides, no top-tier tank should rely on it’s armour in the first place.

Nowhere near as fast forwards.

  • T-80BVM does 40 km/h in 6:00s and 55 km/h in 12:58s
  • T-90M does 40 km/h in 7:42s and 55 km/h in 15:21s

That puts the T-90M somewhere between a T-72B3 and Challenger Mk.2 in acceleration, whereas a T-80BVM has almost identical acceleration to a T-80U. The T-90M has 21% worse acceleration.

The T-80BVM also has MASSIVELY superior reverse steering and a better reverse speed.

Same round, which is already one of the worst rounds at top-tier, but to add insult to injury, it also loads significantly slower than a T-80BVM.
At least the T-80BVM has a chance of out-reloading some premium players in NATO tanks with poor crews, the T-90M even loses that duel.


T-90A is pretty bad relative to it’s BR. It only has penetration and armor going for it.

It looks better than it really is because there is almost nothing at 10.7.


Problem is that sartt really thinks he is a good and experienced player, while he is just another below average US main.


Thanks, i couldn’t be asked to tell him again.
Not that it helps anyway.


The Strv 122s have been dominant since 2020 lol. Sweden was still a minor nation back then so it just took a bit of time for them to become popular.

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I remember when all the skilled players were in Abrams cornering everyone on every CQC map from 2019 - 2021.
Soviets were blind, deaf, and ammo rack central. 650mm HEATFS was better than the best APFSDS due to cost. 1200 SL per APFSDS round back when people claim the WT economy was good.
Then 2022 came and suddenly skill shifted around.

I would say that 2018 was a lot more dominant year for the Abrams with the M1 and IPM1 dominating hard.

Half of 2019 was the 2A5 dominating everything and everyone.

I have few memories of 2A5s.
My strongest memory is ~2021 after I got the T-72B3 and a 2A5/6 bounced their DM53 off my roof armor.

It was originally released with DM33 alongside the T-80U(3BM42), M1A1(M829) and Challenger 2(L26).

The T-80U had good armor at the cost of gun handling, reverse speed and firepower. The M1A1 had shared best firepower and great mobility at the cost of somewhat bad armor. The 2A5 had great mobility and firepower comparable to the M1A1 while having armor that was far closer to the T-80U without any of the downsides.

Oh yeah I forgot the CR2, well it didn’t really have any standout features back then either, just like now.

Worth noting the acceleration on all T-80 variants is about 50% faster than it should be someone bug reported it recently.

That goes for literally every tank in the entire game, or at the very least every tank I’ve ever seen acceleration data for.

M1A1 accelerates to 32 km/h in 7 seconds.
In-game, it accelerates to 35 km/h in 4:35 seconds.

Leopard 1 accelerates to 35 km/h in 11 seconds.
In-game a Leopard A1A1 accelerates to 35 km/h in 6:15 seconds.


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That explains why the Leos are so strong, US gets random buffs every major update, and the Merkava and Leclerc got a reload buff within the past 3 months.

Keep up the weird, seemingly xenophobic coping though.


The Leos would be even more stronger if they get modelled correctly.

What random buffs? only the reload buff that nobody asked for!

Because they’re absolutely shit when it comes to armor, Merkava being a plastic tank while being twice the size of a T80.

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Keep telling you, that’s exactly every soviet main at any time of the year