Making Russian Tank Protection more realistic

No problem at all, we all can be tired sometimes

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I’m interested to know how and why the T-90A is near the bottom yet muh Abrums and Leo 2A4 are edging the top.

Like yes the T-90A reverse is godawful and it’s far worse than the T-80BVM etc but the Abrams or Leo 2A4 is better? breh

T-90A also fails in overall mobility, depression, turret rotation and gun elevation speed, reload, compared to both Abrams and Leo 2A4.

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have you seen the out right bullsht reason he has said over the years at why russian tanks somehow always are under BR when these tanks have more to save them than any other tank in the game? He has non stop made up some bullshit excuse at how The Abrams is BETTER than anything russia has when the abrams is absolute dogsh*t in this game.




shhhh we dont speak about italy mbts here…

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The context of that opinion changes depending on who says it. If a not very good RU main is saying it, than they are just a bad player. If an experienced American main is saying it, then that makes their opinion credible.

Disagreeing with someone doesn’t make them a Russian main.

Personally I think many non top tier(I won’t speak on it since I don’t play it) Russian tanks are sub par, and are only good because people can’t aim that well.


Soviet tanks and their BRs haven’t really been an issue outside IS-3 for a spell, but that was due to M48s being 7.3 previously.
Decompression allowed the IS-3 to move back up.

every br the odds of you shooting at a soviet tank and the shell bouncing off some weird angles is high, this has been consistent over the years, i dont even care about who mains who. The amount of times i;ve hit russian ammo and nothing happens or i’ve turned the propellant charges black in a russian tank and nothing happens, meanwhile the tip of a APFSDS lightly turns yellow, BOOM THE ENTIRE TANK EXPLODES.

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i think it’s your skill issue which was consistent over the years.


Didn’t know Tigers and T/M26s were Soviet…

imagine caring about skill in a game where russian tanks are given artificial handi caps and where people sit and spawn camp. I truly could care less, the only thing that matters is silver lions and R.P to research tanks.

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You are saying russian tanks are giving artificial handicaps and are better in real life ?
Very good comrade.


They have been only untill recently where as germany and sweden have kinda cornered the mbt market. Everything else to do with ground tho the russians dominate, bmp3, bmp 2m being amazing light tanks which can be brought up to top tier, the 2s38 being at 10.0 when it could easily be 11.0 and function just as well, the pantsir as it was never needed to be added in the first place as the tor existed (still think it was a bullshit move to only give it to china as russia could have gotten it at the same time). SU 25 having the best ordinance in the game, only draw back is it being an su 25 at 11.7 lol, the f16c could be argued as being better but its at least comparable. The t80 bvm still being no slouch also helps along with the t90m.


What are you saying, there is no SU25 at 11.7.

I dont know the exact br of it, whatever the one with the 60km mach fuck missile, Its the end of tech tree su 25 so its either 11.3 or 11.7 so im not far off?

The su 25sm3, and youll never guess what, its at 12.3.

It’s 12.7 and the F16C is a far superior plane to it.

It’s 12.7 smartguy.

i did just say the f16c is better than it, but the ordinance of it is just that good, if you dont have an spaa player thats tuned in it can easily deal with most of what it would face. But i do accept there are better cas options, my main problem with it is the ordinance alone as its another leap they gave to the russians as even the martel missiles cant track tanks from 20km out and irl it was purely data link.