Making Russian Tank Protection more realistic

Show me at least one such case.


All three of those nations have better mobility (not going in reverse at 4kmh?), 2 of them have better firepower in terms of pen, and Britain, while having less pen, has a faster reload.

It’s pure copium to act like the T series isn’t insanely vulnerable to LFP shots.

LOL, the only copium being smoked here is you thinking anyone would take your side. Dont even bring britain into this as its not even comparable to any of the other nations mentioned, alongside italy. The T80 BVM doesnt require a reverse gear as all it has to do to win is hold w and fire as while on the move it is extremly hard to hit its weakpoints. The lower front plate against t72s IS a massive weak spot but for anything else its a suggestion as only T72s have the bad habbit of exploding fuel tanks. The other t series just have such low ammo detonation rates that it feels like all they die to is fuel explosions, ignoring the fact it took 8 shots to even set the fuel off…

T series tanks have always been powerfull (circa 2019) and you cant deny that, try to and youll be laughed directly to your face by almost anyone who has more than one nation at top tier.


Playing against Russia on the ground is a joke for anyone with a modicum of skill.

Sweden is the hold W country. Accept it or not, it really doesn’t matter. Having trouble defeating a T series is a skill issue pure and simple.

The LFP leads right to the ammo, and if you can’t seem to hit it, that’s entirely on you.

Maybe try playing one?


This statement indicates you’ve never played it. Would I be correct in that assessment?

Having the ability to reposition in a timely manner is crucial for any tank, the fact that the T-80BVM at least has a 11 km/h reverse makes it the best MBT option for the Russian tech tree at the moment.

The T-80BVM can’t just ‘‘Hold W’’ as this isn’t 2022. I’d say you’re welcome to test that out yourself, but as I said: I suspect you don’t even play top-tier Russia to begin with.

T-90M and T-80BVM get consistently killed/crippled via LFP penetrations as long as there is no significant downwards angle.

Again, this isn’t 2022 anymore, if you get penned in a T-80BVM there’s a good chance the turret goes flying.
The T-80BVM simply has nowhere near the survivability of a Strv 122.

They’ve had their ups and downs.

  • T-54 slapped the Panther II and Tiger II.
  • Leopard 1 bullied the T-54.
  • T-10M was semi-competitive vs the Leopard 1.
  • T-64A got demolished by the XYZ-70 Terminators.
  • IT-1 slapped the Leo 1.
  • M1 Abrams and Leo 2K curbstomped the T-64B.
  • IPM1 received a restaining order from the T-80B, cuz the IPM1 got hands.
  • Leopard 2A5 had to pay the T-80U’s hospital bills for years after their encounter.
  • T-72B3 handled itself fine for 2-3 months, then the Leopard 2A6 introduced itself.
  • T-80BVM slapped other MBTs around (if only more people played the Strv 122 back then…)
  • And now we finally have the Strv 122 and Leo 2A7’s showing the T-80BVM who’s boss.

He doesn’t have top tier Russia.

And exactly, it’s not 2022. When I started playing ground, the BVM was busted. Now? Not so much. Between the second shot capability falling behind all other nations, the lack of mobility and ability to disengage, lack of gun depression, etc. They are not that great. Yet, people act as though the impenetrable turret and UFP make them broken, regardless the fact that many tanks at top tier have the same strengths.

Most people that say the T series are OP, I have noticed, have never touched the USSR ground tech tree.

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I don’t really understand the complaints that the T-80BVM has strong turret armour.

(DM53 @ 500m)

The T-80B has one of the weakest turrets of any T-64/72/80/90 series tank and the BVM uses that as it’s basis. The areas not covered by Relikt are easily penetrated by virtually all high end APFSDS.

It’s also got very weak roof armour which results in opponents being able to breech/kill you before you can breech/kill them in return when you’re peeking hills.


I never mentioned sweden did i tho, and yes that is the hold w nation but russia has been the hold w nation for what… 3 to 4 years now. You literaly have no right to complain when its still an amazing nation with a diverse range of tanks, spaa, jets, props, etc, etc… What do you have to complain about? truly, i would love to know what you would deem as something so horrific that russia can no longer be considered one of the top 3 let alone top 2?

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If you think your penning the t80bbm mantlet then your either mad or have the luck of a rabbit. Any movement, any movement at all, will cause your round to hit the era or even nick it meanign it will at most take out the brach. And then if you even pen it will only take out the breach, or if your lucky either the comander or gunner. Hull down they are basically impossible to kill if they know to wiggle their turret unless you have something like he or HESH (my beloved HESH will forever crush the skulls of my enemies, no matter if it takes 50 shots for it to actually proc on them).

This is all considering you even get a map long ranged enough to actually bother going hull down on, most maps are CQB where russia dominated untill only recently as most T series required at least 2 shots to kill, 1 to take out either the driver or gunner/loader, this meant no matter what theyll be able to get a shot off on you, and so 8 out of 10 times they wouldnt fire untill theyve been shot leading to them always getting the kill. Sweden has now taken the top spot for mbt but that would ignore all the other factors such as best spaa (Pantsir) Best IFC (Arguable and depends on who you ask but the BMP 3 is cracked, no doubt about that), best CAS (SU 25 with 60km missiles that go mach fuck)… Need i go on, its not just about MBT,s.


When was I complaining?

I was disagreeing with someone else who was stating that the TT Russian tanks are better in regards where, quite frankly, they are not. Having played them, and played against them, it’s safe to say the tanks are not what makes USSR a top 3 tech tree. They are situational, and not balanced/all-arounders.

Is that complaining, or a statement of opinion? No where did I say they need a buff. That would be unrealistic.

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You completely ignored my question about you not playing the T-80BVM, so I’ll just assume that I was correct in that assumption.

As I tend to say in these situations: I suggest not commenting on vehicles you have no experience using, because those who do often come off looking ignorant and uninformed.

If you’re having trouble penetrating this area when the average 11.7 APFSDS has around 590mm of penetration and the areas surrounding the breech are around 250-450mm, I’m sorry to say, but you might need to work on your aim.


The T-80BVM has one of the larger weakspots surrounding the gun at top-tier.

If you believe the T-80BVM is impossible to kill when hull-down, traversing it’s turret or when the vehicle is in motion, then you should apply the same logic to a Strv 122, Leopard 2A6, M1A2, Merkava Mk.4, etc. and claim that they are also impossible to kill under the same circumstances, in other words: The T-80BVM isn’t at an advantage relative to it’s opposition.

You’re implying CQB maps favour vehicles with poor reloads, poor stationary mobility/reverse speeds, poor gun handling and poor survivability. They don’t.
Not to mention close ranges making weakspots all that much easier to hit accurately.

If I’m driving my T-80BVM, CQB city fights is where I feel least comfortable.


Their take is never really somthing I’ve understood. Russian tanks are worse in CQC because of the reasons you described, but they’re also worse at longer ranges due to poor depression and turret protection.

However, when playing the Indian T-90, no one has a clue what to do about it frontally for whatever reason.


Thats why T-80UM-3 should have been a thing long ago.

It’s like they forget they can Barrel one, shoot the Drivers Port, or LFP. Which I’m reliably informed is “easy”

Maybe it’s because it faces Russians a lot and they dunno their own weakspots? Idk.

Its the same situation as the Swedish T-80U, where Russian mains don’t have the experience (generally) of aiming for eastern style tank weakspots

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How is saying that Russian stuff sucks (which is true irl, and sometimes ingame) make him a Russian shill??


And you’re a total US shill. Don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house.

Edit: Really reported this as inappropriate? 😂😂


cant talk about massive breach weakspots without mentioning my chally lol. Plus i think your missing the point, on paper the t80bvm seemed like a pretty balanced tanka ll round, what made it exceptional is the absolute buggyness of it all. Breach shots always managed to hit the era no matter what if the turret is even slightly in motion. When not in motion it would always require at least 2 shots to the mantlet to kill more than 1 of the crew due to the breach eating most of the round. In CQB the lack of spall and damage to ammo lead to t series basically having an invulnerable save for every first shot they take leading to most fights coming out with them on top as they always got in the last (and more well aimed) shot.

Only bad thing about them is the reverse speed which the t80bvm doesnt deal with as much with its slightly better reverse (It also has far too much acceleration with documentation showing its the case so its actually over performing in that department).

The round is simply amazing with the post pen effect of a nuke going off inside the enemy tank (back when spall liners were not a thing).

What i want to know most of all is where you would rate the T series tanks in comparison to the rest in game? Where do you see it being and what changes would you make for it to be more realistic? As you already know where i stand on this issue perfectly well.


That’s War Thunder’s gloruious net code not allowing them to fix turret desync, not only an issue when talking about BVM but basically most top tier tanks with good turret armour.
You cant really see actual turret rotation half of the time as on thejr screen enemy can alreafy have their gun on you.