Making Russian Tank Protection more realistic

oh and just to confirm, here’s my version of it with 3BM60 which is pretty close to what ukrainian tanks were using at that time. I also decided to use my brain and give it the right angle

Oh wow, this thread came back to life.

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Well if you’re depending on RNG then might as well just dont expect anything.

Well compare to those Tanks Chally2 has significantly less weakspots.

İ believe they fixed that issue with rework on armor, i tested against enemy Chally 2 couple days ago and it was constantly bouncing my shell.

How said, i only played raam segol, i didn’t feel so bad and shots bounced a lot from turret.
What annoyed me more was the slow forward speed.

Oh really, that would be very nice.

Raam Segol has different turret shape compare to Merkava 4’s, thats why it can troll you more.

Well it is personal experience overall so can be wrong.

This Jagdpanther is located in Munster, it was frontally knocked out by a towed 57mm AT gun, in theory it shouldn’t be capable of presenting a threat to the Jagdpanther from the front, yet it knocked out the vehicle anyways.

Point being, reality doesn’t always match the paper expectations.

The T-80BVM example is also completely moot because we lack any necessary context.

Just like in War Thunder:

You intentionally aimed at over-lapping plates which is a known issue on all tanks in WT, including Leopard 2s.
On top of that, the round IRL was penned just starboard of the overlapping plates.



As you can see issue isnt the Russian line-up, its the player base.

İ managed to get 10 kills in my BVM before dying and switching to Su-25SM3, after that i managed to get 6 more kills but because of my team i lost that game.

İ dont know how many matches i lost because of my team today but i can tell one thing, it was a lot.

Btw first 2 guys on enemy team was using Ariete and Challenger 2 if i remember correctly, as you can see its not about vehicle its about who is using them.

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I mean u are a good player and so i am, i also do good in the tanks usually, but we are and can’t be the standard for this.

I think it’s rather good players can make everything work, you would obviously still do better in a better thank.

IIRC number of 110k battles in span of 4 days.
Thats total data collected and presented in video.

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@J_ackal @SemiPartician Please stay on topic, and if you can’t, take your disagreements to DM’s in order to keep the thread somewhat clean.

This also applies to everyone else.

Thank you.


so 4 days.

during what time? was that during an event? was it over the weekend?

there are so many variables that 4 days is just not enough. ive seen ppl make the point, which i think is true, that tank balancing shouldnt be based on player stats.

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Noone ever seen Nozh era work properly. On the contrary there are famous cases of era exploding massively and destroying the Ukrainian tank itself. It’s a failed design


Nozh worked here om UFP, no penetration, no setting off any other close ERA pieces.
Can you provide a single case of both cases you have described, as both of these seem like complete nonsense.


we have footage of the test… besides nozh doesnt have anywhere near enough explosives to destroy a tank. That would only happen in lightly armored things like btr or trucks.

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No. It goes thru bc the upper plate in real life is 450KE. Not 530Ke like it is in game.

What ever hit it may have been mango, afaik thats the best that Ukraine has, and im pretty sure this was at the beginning of the war when that stuff was available. Since most of the pen values in game for apfsds are correct (except for at 30 degrees) its flat pen is only about ~460mm or like 580mm LOS pen at 68 degrees.

And didnt hit the hera. Because unlike that other guys post talking to you, the ukrainians dont have ofl f1 or what ever when he gave his example.

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This guys sims are pretty good. There’s a few vids where he’s put his sims up against documented fire trials and they’re always within ~5% of the real world results.


Simulator kinda nuh uh since some mods still rejected it.

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The only thing I can think of that would genuinely be causing that other than bad players is that Russia and America are both getting ludicrous amounts of mixed matchmaking.

Which would be fine if that were true. From my own experience, it isnt.


Cover up Пробитие возможно. (penetration is posible) and other russian words — how genius.

Can you, simply, set english language in settings?

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