Making Russian Tank Protection more realistic

And here it is, the goalpost has been changed - from Germany’s ~68% winrate to Russia’s WR declining!

Jeez you guys need serious anger treatment.

All I’m doing is pointing out the levels your hypocrisy has reached, don’t like it?


No one was crying about Leopard2A7V performance, people constantly complained about its armor performance and 3D model which was completely fair considering how butchered it is.

On the other hand you came in here started to complain about how Russian vehicles general performance was actually inferior to their counterparts while in reality it is quite the opposite.

Considering how many times you complained about Russian line-up its normal to forget that kind of things.

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Yes, because it corelates.

I mean i said something and immediatly got attacked personaly and it’s still going on. You can’t have a discussion with a different view in here.

Iam not complaining, i am saying it’s not as good as NATO line up in the current meta, which is true for MBT’s.

Bruh, Russian line-up has:

-Best Spaa
-Best Support Vehicles
-Best Helicopters
-One of the best Fixed Wing Cas
-Has quite good Mbts

But somehow they are not good compare to other Nato line-ups?

  • Italy and Israel doesnt even have top tier Spaa systems
    -Merkava’s are compeletly butchered in terms of armor protection,same as Ariete’s
    -Britian and Israel doesnt even have support vehicles for top tiers.

It takes special effort to ignore those hard facts but guess i shouldnt be surprised.


That’s funny, because Germany wasn’t the only nation picking up momentum either - you didn’t actually pay any attention to anybody’s bug GER & RUS’ WRs when checking out wt’s heatmap, to put it bluntly; it was a group effort (excluding US) - so what actually correlates with Russia’s decline, is that everyone but US (and Russia itself) began to play better. By the way, did you notice that they’ve already bounced back , and by “they’ve” I mean Russia, they’re already at 58% WR.

I mean i said something and immediatly got attacked personaly and it’s still going on. You can’t have a discussion with a different view in here.

Oh gee, you’re clueless. You bulldoze your way into a thread that’s in the middle of a heated discussion about the way a certain MBT is modelled, and you call the people participating in it “crybabies” whilst acting like doing that is completely justified - playing the victim are we? Oldest trick in the scroll.

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Between what, russia and germany only?

Bro i see what you are saying but again, i am talking about exclusivly MBT’s. I know russia has better Helis and CAS, at least compared to germany.

True, but we all know smaller nations usually are played by the better players.

The amout of idiots that keep spreading this picture is annoying at this point. You can pen the bvm there in game, stop cherry picking pixels

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Yes, between those two only. If it was a broader comparison, I’d mention it, but I haven’t.

If one German tank can beat the sht out of entire Russian line up then sure as hell something wrong with RU players

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Sure then

Russian line is 1.5 tanks for top tier

Their mbts more then enough to do the job, if you wanna see really bad MBTS you can check Merkava’s and Ariete’s as i mentioned before.

Which means core problem is the Russian player base, despite having better line-up they cant catch up with nations who has objectively worse line-ups (which was my original point).

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Im sure they just decided to play better and drop russian and usa winrates in the double digits, thats what must have happened. For usa it’s probably also the clickbait which adds to that though.

I now said enough times what i did and it’s not even related to this thread, but you still take it as excuse to make personal attacks. Im not gonna respond to this anymore.

I have the raam segol or what it’s called. Fairly similar playstile to challengers and actually still easier to play with the gun depression and good reverse speed.
Arietes im not there yet, but they are indeed dogwater.

I think USA,Germany and Russia has in generall same bad playerbase.

There was no “double digit” drop in Russia’s WRs at the time, once again, you aren’t even paying attention to wt’s heatmap. Pre-december patch, there was also no reason for the aformentioned nations to perform that well, but they did - so yea, they pretty much just decided to play better.

I now said enough times what i did and it’s not even related to this thread, but you still take it as excuse to make personal attacks. Im not gonna respond to this anymore.

Providing an explanation as to why the whole thread shouted at you is all of the sudden equal to me personally attacking you? Yea, you’re just playing the victim card at this point honestly.

“How dare they shout at me after I insulted them, that is so uppsetting!”

Feel free to just ignore this part, but man.


i mean… russian tanks are in fact inferior irl so i get gaijin need to balance things out artificially.





Yea they are quite good indeed, wait actually only Chally2 is good in its intented playstyle otherwise all of them is basically glass cannon even in hulldown position. Even 3BM42 is more then enough to punch those tanks Turret armor without issue, now imagine what would 3BM46 and 3BM60 would do to them.

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Judging by the fact that tank is still in one piece, it was APCR that penned it, you also in WT were aiming too low. Here’s a better representation:

Merkava can have a quite trolly turret though.
I like the challys more as well, but the massive breach weakspot doesn’t help them either. And sometimes you get oneshoted through the forward angled roof.