Making Russian Tank Protection more realistic

The hell you mean no - you think Tornado IDS is superior to SM3 with Kh-38s or the SMT with 4x TV guided bombs?

What a joke.

Okay, good talk.

Only people i see crying are russian bias and germany suffers callers.

3BM46 is absolutely not enough anymire, especially paired with atrocious moibility.

Guess what, reverse and gun handling is what actually matters.

You clearly don’t know what you are talking about or are heavily biased. I don’t care either…

As of 29. April 2023, clearly well to 65%


You believe what you want to.

Wasn’t it you, who barged onto a German thread about a German tank and started crying that people were complaining about its physical model?

Talk about irony.

Guess what, reverse and gun handling is what actually matters.

BVM has by far one of the faster handling speeds at top tier - 40/40 horizontal & vertical, the only other MBTs that can match them in this aspect are Leopard 2s, nothing else.

3BM46 is absolutely not enough anymire, especially paired with atrocious moibility.

T-80U’s mobility is “atrocious”? Or maybe it’s actually you who is incapable of using it? I’d say its the latter.


Would pretty much mean that the bow fuel tanks will be fully capable of being spall traps, I cant count the number of times they just choose to detonate instead of doing this.

It would heavily reduce the usability of one of the main T series weakpoints, that being their LFP.

How about using stats from November? Of course not, they disprove your claim after all.


And here’s stats from 1st of December:


You believe what you want to.

I have both of them, it’s not a matter of believing - I know Pantsir is much better, it’s a statement of fact.

On the other hand, you don’t have the FlaRakRad, so it’s you who is believing what you want in, you’re a hypocrite.


Dude, a round with an anti-ERA tip and 600mm+ pen will go through it, it doesn’t need documentation/evidence, all it needs is pure common sense and the knowledge of the state of the Russian Armed Forces.


So you are saying im right ? Got it

Mixed it up with T72B3 sorry, T80 indeed has decent mobility, but limited by 3BM46 nonetheless.

All the Bias code and handholding and the average IvanBoo still can’t get consistent wins?


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Re-read this.

People will look at this for US and simply say US players suck without looking at the actual vehicles and actually attempt to figure out the issue.

And from 2 months later when a lot of people probably got the new tanks, total coincidence

You are right i don’t have it, but i play against it and know what it is capable of.

Cant argue with someone who doesnt have flarakrad while im constantly using both of them.

I like your lame excuses, find me single reply where i mentioned Russian Bias while i was replying to you, im waiting.

Sounds like skill issue especially if we take your claim about T-80U’s mobility.

Guess what T-80BVM has enough reverse speed while having one of the best gun handling and only matched by Leopard2’s.

Quite the opposite, my claims were straight from the beginning Meanwhile you came in here and started to complain and cry just like you did on Leopard2A7V thread.

Whew lad, a 5% improvement?


So we can just ignore how Germany was already doing pretty good but nah, it’s obviously all due to the 2A7V that they went from sub-50% WR to over 60%+ despite the tank not even being in the game yet.

You are right i don’t have it, but i play against it and know what it is capable of.

So you threw out an unsupported claim, refused to take it back despite clearly being in the wrong whilst acting like you’ve got the moral high ground - and at the end of it, admitted that that it’s based on your personnal (anecdotal) experience of fighting against it rather than having it?

Man, you’re incorrigible.


Italia has better win rate because much less people play them, and these few people play a lot better than average guy
About believing this dude or not:

  1. Abrams getting reload buff correlates with his statistics
  2. What point in making this up? If you think he made it so ussr gets buff, well it will not get it no matter what because people on forums will cry + their tanks are already alright


Yea, i also said T80BVM is the only real viable MBT at the momebt, but i guess you convienently forgot about that.

I said that it is ridicilous of them crying even though they have by far the best tank at the moment. If you see that as crying, be my guest.

It’s about the ussr winrate magicly decreasing apprently without reason.

Funky, so people can’t even comment & post about their favourite vehicle being obviously modelled badly, because some guy LARPing as the renowed chess grandmaster will swoop by, and himself cry about you complaining.

Got it.


Jeez you guys need serious anger treatment.