Making Russian Tank Protection more realistic

İmagine having worse win rate then Israel, Italy and Great Britian despite having Better line-up.

This is just shows How bad Russian players actually are, and Us players are the worst.


you can’t say that out loud
if gaijoobles and razor hear it they pull the usual " vehicle X overperforming" card…
Russian victim complex is stronk


Sshhhh dont summon the the Razor xd.


And germany with it’s 68% winrate or whatever since the 2A7 release and spall liners on leos is pure coincidence right ?
I mean german mains always have been known for their impecable skill.

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The 2a7 is one vehicle. You’re crazy if you don’t accept that Russia has a much better top tier lineup than Germany.

Russia having the second lowest winrate at top tier, despite having the best overall lineup, is pretty tragic.


The only thing in the russian lineup better than germany atm is it’s CAS.

You should never lose the whole game with the russian lineup, especially with you have usa&ussr on the same team. Losing the ground fight against leopards is what happens usually, but you have the most cancerous cas combination to win the final game. The average rumain ape doesn’t know what a capture zone is, to this day. They either rush and get gangbanged by leopards (on open maps) or the rare occasion in some urban map where you streamroll rush everything.

Other than the zone capturing issue, the majority of people who die the first time to an mbt and spawn a pansir that will contribute to nothing is insane. And the ka-50 people who spawn it and achieve absolutely nothing. MBT presence is low.

Germany also can’t do anything against cas

Ah Yes cause Flarakrad is better then Pantsir, Ka-52 is the worst top tier helicopter with Mi-28NM,T90M is just 9.7 material and T80’s are just bad right?

İf you’re gonna cry at least cry about bad vehicles.

Russian line-up is superior to Germany overall.

Better helis, Cas, fighter, SPAA…and their MBTs are all still competitive.

Nah it just show how bad Russian main really is when fighting a little bit harder to kill enemy (less win rate than France Brits and JP with better line up it shameful) can’t do well against other with Russian line up well that big skills issue buddy

Pantsir is extremly overrated, most of it’s reputation comes from back when it was implemented and really was op af

Maybe read again what i said, but slowly

The Meta is mobility and firepower, in both it’s inferior to Leopards. Same with T72B3. T80U is useless, mango is just not cutting it anymore.
T80BVM at least has somewhat of reverse speed and is at the moment the best and only real viable competitive MBT in the lineup.
NATO tanks are a lot easier to play with their far suerior mobility and gun handling.

I claim the lower winrate we see at the moment comes from leos not die to weakspot shots and most of the time are able to retaliate before you make it to cover because of bad mobility.


aha ?
how about better spaa as well ?
or do you want to say that the pantsir is as bad as the flakrad ?XD

Isn’t he already did lol

Pantsir has more missiles, guns and a better radar, altough it’s radar is jitterish af.
VT1 is still better missile.
German cas is so bad, you can use a tunguska or strela, so what’s the difference anyway.
Also in the majority of time germany is paired up with other nations with for example ITO and more than capable CAP and CAS.

You want the main reason as to why T series tanks are not doing super well?

Its a single thing imo, that being fuel tank explosions.

If those two fuel cells up front did not cook off so reliably I bet easily that russia’s WR would go up exponentially.

Same deal with the M1 series’s turret ring generating stupid amounts of spall.

All i know is if i play britain, i pray to go against russia or america, because they are so mich easier to deal with.


Maybe stop crying like i Said.

İ dont know what kind of cave you’re living in but T80U does have 3BM46 which is more then enough cut anything.

And? Those nations i listed also lacks firepower and mobility compare to Leopards.

T80BVM has better mobility then Leopards except in reverse speed and gun handling is actually better then most of them except in depression part

İf those 3 nations can get better results despite lacking armor, mobility and firepower im pretty sure Russia should be able to perform at similiar levels.

İts clear that you like to find excuses for every single Russian vehicle in order justify this shitshow but i couldnt care less tbh.

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Germany was already well on its way to ~65% winrate before 2A7V got even added, so good job proving you only care when it’s Russia’s WRs that are low lol (and those are caused by RU mains being even worse than German mains, on par with US mains tbh).

Pantsir is extremly overrated, most of it’s reputation comes from back when it was implemented and really was op af

Mate, it is still significantly better than the FlaRakRad.

The only thing in the russian lineup better than germany atm is it’s CAS.

Fixed wing CAS - Russia
Helicopters - Russia
Supporting vehicles - Russia
SPAA - Russia
One, singular MBT - Germany


