Making Russian Tank Protection more realistic

tell me about the “fake russian tanks”

It would take about 40 minutes on discord 😂

you can also type it here

Im not tagging my huge paper here lmao you’re mad

private message ?

That is why you should play low tier or main Russia.

Good way to lose.

Never heard of low tier fun tier?

Of course. I just mean if your goal exists at the top for other countries you lose. There’s no winning playing things purely cause you think they’re best.

Copium, a troll that made the account for a shit post, take your russian propaganda elsewhere. Next you gonna say is that russian tanks arent participating in the russian space programm


thats right tovarish k5 has 1000mm rha equivalent. how dare these westerners think theyr tank is superior when russian tank is the only one with a jetisson turret to remove crew from tank.

Lmao they didnt like my comment either.

Poor kid don’t like the truth LOL

Poor kid don’t like the truth LOL


Came across this video from SY Simulations which shows how Relikt helps defeat APFSDS in 2 ways

  1. The top flyer plate can be seen disturbing the rod
  2. The bottom flyer plate can be seen moving and keeping up with the tip of the penetrating rod (plate feeding)

Therefore the effectiveness of Relikt greatly depends on the APFSDS approaching at

  • a very specific angle
  • a specific speed
  • and hitting roughly the center of an ERA tile

Any departure from those would reduce the effectiveness of any ERA that defeats APFSDS with these methods, for example a near 0 degree impact should negate this ERA almost completely. Let’s see this in game :

Wow! in game Relikt at 0 degree still offers 250mm of KE.
Very strange! Surely an unintentional oversight?

tl:dr the equivalent KE protection of flyer plate ERA should decrease depending on different situations (such as lower AoA ) but it doesn’t


gaijin didnt mode the rod cutting, they just add some KE for every ERA, but some ERA can do the action when 0°, too

Problem being only Russian and Chinese era have this effect. ROMOR B era is a good example as it’s shown to provide up to 450mm to 500mm of ce protection, however this is at an angle of 60 degrees. In game it only provides 300mm and 350mm (gaijin being gaijin and not giving the same era the same stats….). This is the minimal protection given to the era when hit flat on. It’s strange how gaijin take the angled performance of Russian era (granted it’s always gonna be angled on the front plate) where as for ours they just give us the most minimal effect possible.

Because of this we’re stuck with era that provides the exact same protection ranging from the 1970s all the way up to the early 2000….

It’s the double standards that piss me off that’s all, either model era so it gets worse at less of an angle or use the same method for all era and make it provide its best protection all round or vide versa. Don’t pick and chose.


Adding KE protection is their way to model the flyer plate/rod cutting/plate feeding
The problem is that it needs to lose effectiveness with lower AoA

Bro, ussr has second to worst win rate on top tier


Basically, guy used replays to gather this data and its pretty accurate

Its in russian, but you can turn auto-translate subtitles
There are also statistics on nation popularity closer to the end of the video

ok so… first of all we have to believe his claims of what he did, second, if what he says is true, he only recors stats of the last few days with no other explanation of how many.

THIRD and the more comical is that russians have worse tanks than italians…
