Make Wheel Chains a Modification


In the game we have several wheeled vehicles with chains on all wheels equipped, these can not be removed or disabled, and are thus “permanent”. Not only does it impact its looks (it doesn’t looks bad at all, in fact is just looks cooler) but in real life, this only has negative consequences overall as it limits it’s speed (As you have to drive more carefully and slower to prevent the chains loosening sue to the strain, the weight itself does actually slow the vehicle’s top speed by a little), acceleration, maneuverability, weight and grip. Those are a pain to install on the tires, and because of this in addition to the risks of the chains damaging the axle, hoses or other exposed stuff on the vehicle, or the risk of a chain getting loose due to heavy strain, as it then can tangle itself around the axle and do severe damage as a result. In short, chains are not installed and used unless it is necessary, such as in deep snow or icy, slushy roads. Chains wouldn’t be used in regular conditions, as it goes not real advantage in mud, and it only gives worse performance at harder ground such as asphalt/tarmac.

In game, we don’t have these physics or effects for the chains, they don’t seem to have any impact on the vehicle except the looks, so this is a suggestion to make the chains as a modification, it should be free as it doesn’t give any performance impact, but if this once should be changed and we get realistic performance with the chains, this could then give an advantage. But for now this is for the looks, not everyone may like how the vehicle looks with chains


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