Make tier cap 7.7 and team more fun

I think there should also be a ceiling. Like tier 7.7 would be a kind of max tier for battles of lower tanks. And from tier 8.0 start games with tanks with higher and more modern equipment. Because the player is looking forward to a heavy tank like Tigger II or IS-4, but in the end he plays with it against tanks with gun stabilization and ammunition that won’t stop anything. It’s really not fun.
I also don’t know why there is a higher tier penalty for playing with friends. Why does it automatically put a 1.5+ tier higher tier against you when you invite a friend to your party? That’s not fun either and forces you to play alone, without a party. Because it’s not fun. I recommend that people in Gaijin actually play the game, not just make up rules that don’t benefit the game


So BR 8.0 tanks are forced into uptiers 100% of the time?

and 7.7s only see downtiers 100% of the time?

Tiger II would just become defacto meta and be unstoppable.


This would just make the Is3 and centurions the kings of low tier meta. kicking the hell out of everything below easily and 8.0 tanks will always suck ass from uptierings


It only works at 1.0 and top tier because there isn’t that much of a difference between 1.0 and 2.0, and the skill level is considerably lower. It works at top tier because you can end up being uptiered, despite being the top BR.

Neither of those apply for a split at 7.7/8.0.

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It definitely makes more sense than what’s being mixed in there now. Up to tier 7.7 WW Battle and 8.0 modern battle. Otherwise, it’s only about the highest tiers 12 where it’s leveled out.

lets see whats above 8.0

yea modern totally.

lets see whats below 7.7

younger than I am





Yea very ww2

Don’t forget about the modern T-54 (1951) at 8.0, the 8.3 T-10M from 1957.

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The problem with this idea everytime it comes up is, how do you balance this?

So for example, in this scenario, 7.7’s would be down tiered 100% if the time, and 8.0’s would be up tiered 100% of the time.

That would cause the stat’s of 7.7 vehicles to be insanely strong, whilst causing the stats of 8.0’s to become incredibly bad.

Now you have a big problem, because on paper, it looks like every 7.7 is over performing and needs to cross the divide up to 8.0, and it looks like every 8.0 is underperforming and needs to drop the divide down to 7.7.

You’re just going to create an infinite loop where 7.7 / 8.0’s swap their BR’s with each other everytime a batch of BR changes rolls around. One update they dominate, the next update they get dominated.

All this BR / balance chaos, and for what? Because heavy tankers can’t cope with things being able to pen them? Doesn’t feel worth it.

This would also screw over the 6.7/7.0 heavies because they would be in a similar spot as the current 13.0/13.3 planes are. They would never get downtiered, and they would be constantly clubbed.

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Yup, the domino effect it’d cause would wreak all sorts of chaos.

As you say, 6.7/7.0’s would be miserable, and like how 12.7 in air is an amazing BR because it avoids top tier vacuum effect, and gets disproportionate amount of downtiers, same thing would happen to 6.3 becoming a very strong BR.

And on the other end, you’d see 9.0’s having the time of their life.

Whole thing would just be a complete mess.

Okay, but then all these answers reflect the question. Why isn’t there just one tank for each nation, when none actually dominates. When something comes up against a 7.7 IS-4 that actually shoots through it with bullets with 300% more penetration. You’ll never feel the power of that tank and the tactics of combat. This game has reached a point where WoT is. Absolute chaos. And not to mention how many cheaters there are. When their planes are repaired in flight and their bullets are replenished without having to land.

Well, I was waiting for something like that, clearly it’s not just about CAP, but something to think about. It was very figuratively put

Except those aren’t really different from the IS-3 and the T-54 (1947)

Easier solution would just to get rid of the +1 -1 br in games. you play a 6.3 lineup, you’re in a 6.3 game.

The queue time argument is not relevant anyways, the matchmaker would just have to gather poeple from the same br instead of 4 different br’s and the queue times are already instant anyways, I really don’t mind waiting 2-3 minutes for a fair match.

Current matchmaking for 9.0 is actually pretty damn good, they have equal amount of uptier and downtier, pretty good vehicles with great firepower that doesn’t struggle too much against 9.7/10.0, with the exception of facing good players in their FV4030. I already saw someone with absolutely ridiculous stat, this guy has around 1800 kills with 200 ish deaths in his 4030.

Oh wow, playing at your tier is such a wild concept with this horrible matchmaking huh?

Uptiers and downtier solutions are not being discussed. What is is making 7.7 tanks like the tiger ii permanently meta tanks and any at 8.0 permanently DOA

So in the team game you’ll have to rely on your people that are the uptier? And 8.0 is doa anyway almost with the stabilized to non