Make the Naval Warning “Dangerously low depth on course” Optional

For many years, this warning and the effect you get when you approach shallow water or land were perfectly fine. But then it was changed not too long ago, then this was updated and you now have a screeching alarm that you don’t have the option to turn off, and this can be very frustrating and annoying at times.
It also starts quite early, which for destroyers and other smaller coastal vessels is not necessary as the mobility is usually much better, so the notification is quite unnecessary.
So what I suggest is to make this optional under options. either to opt out that you don’t want to see the HUD or hear the sound, or separately that you can opt out only the HUD and keep the sound or keep the sound and remove the HUD.
This here can potentially improve the gaming experience in the naval gamemode for more people, especially for those who want a little more “realism” when playing.
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