Make Premium Work on Play Time not Raw Time

Premium as it stands runs on raw time. From the moment you purchase or otherwise acquire premium the clock is constantly ticking until it runs out.

I think this is both unfair to players and encourages unhealthy gaming habits.

Say for example that you purchase a week of premium time, and then your computer dies and a new one takes half a week to arrive. You’ve just wasted half of your premium time. Anything that would stop someone from being able to play counts for this concept, sudden illness, family emergency, local power outage, etc.

Instead I firmly believe it would be both more fair to us, and more profitable to Gaijin, to make it so premium time only counts time while you’re playing the game.

Naturally this would require the existing price to time ratio to be appropriately adjusted, and the best way to do that would be to base it on average play time.

For example, a week of premium costs 690 GE right now. Now I do not have the actual metrics on average play time but lets just say the average player plays around 10 hours a week. Thats somewhere between 1-2 hours per day. Instead of 690 GE purchasing a week of premium, it would purchase 10 hours of play time.

I say this approach would make Gaijin more money because I know that if premium worked this way I’d be much more likely to pay for it. Looking at premium now I have to think not only whether its worth the price but also whether I plan to play enough during that period of time to make it worth the price. With this proposed change it would eliminate the latter concern and in doing so lessen the former concern. I know the premium will be more worth while because I’m guaranteed to get all of the time I paid for. I would be shocked if I was the only person who felt this way.

Gaijin, please at least give this some strong consideration. You have all the metrics for average play time to make accurate adjustments to premium cost, and you could always introduce it on a trial basis or even as an alternative system and measure its financial performance against the current system.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Peace be with you.

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that’s an extremely good idea as not everyone can play for a lot of time each day


I never buy premium time but would buy it if it was like this


If this change would happend, why would Gaijin not increase the cost for premium time? You cant expect a company to increase the value of a product and not expecting something in return. You are playing with economics I dont think you realize how they work, or what their repercussions would be.
Uden titel


We know how they work. All we are doing is advocating for better value and quality of our purchase. Doesn’t mean they have to, they can do what they want which is to maximise profit.


The issue is if this was the case 24 hours would become 1 - 4 hours translated.
On top of that, tracking time on a universal clock is simpler code with far less backlash.
Nearly all games avoid this due to backlash reasons as well as simplicity of code and better player behavior.

If I purchased playtime instead of just yearly, I’d feel rushed and I’d feel worse if I had a wasted match.
Today if I have a wasted match I have a full 24 hours to see if I want to come back to the game later.

However, if I bought 2 hours I’d feel rushed for those two hours of playtime; as an example.

So hard no.
This idea was thought of by ten-thousands of game devs and hundred-thousands of players over the last 30 years, and rejected for good reasons, mostly good psychological reasons.

Remember when cell phones had you purchase talk time in minutes? Data in minutes?
Made you have rushed conversations, and forced limited data use.

Regressive idea.


If you want better products then by them elsewhere or not at all. The best incentive for a company is competition. When advocating and attempting to implement policies for “better” conditions you often get outcomes that do the opposite. Look at price- or wage contorls they leave empty shelves and people without jobs

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I believe the term is Womp Womp, corporations have to pay people fairly and price their products fairly. Are you a supermarket CEO by any chance?

Please go ahead and explain what “fairly” means, a rather arbitrary word is it not?

No I like to study economics though

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This is going to veer off topic, but my view is that it should be fair to ordinary hard working citizens. Most corporations believe it needs to be fair to their profits. So that’s your choice to make in which viewpoint you support. However, as a player with zero shares in Gaijin, it is irrational to side with them.

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The only thing this would achieve is making premium more expensive


Let me introduce you to the idea of a stake holder(not a shareholder) I like to play war thunder and with premium time. I think this proposal is gonna hurt my ability to play with premium time. That is my stake, which I dont want to lose.

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Premium time as a match counter instead of straight up hour / day counter? Sure.

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I don’t buy premium at all because of FOMO. Every second the ticker ticks without you playing is lost efficiency and utility of your purchase. The only negative factor is that they will jack up the price. How much? We don’t know.

I would like to be able to play without FOMO.

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Another Bingo check for some guy in the thread having no clue what FOMO elements are.

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Don’t forget to hand the sheet in and claim your prize.

And that is very understandable. With the current system, what I do, is buy “in-bulk” and when its on sale. I have alot of premium time now because of that; Why I dont have FOMO from any premium time I have left. Obviously you should spend your money how you wish.

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Thanks, I dont really have FOMO when playing this game, A reason why I enjoy it alot. You should try it :)

lolwat? That’s not how premium works.
1- It’s $40 a year on sale.
2- $40 is below the average large game in price, and FAR cheaper than many other live service games.
You can’t think of it as “wasted time” cause you’re paying $40 for an entire year.
160 hours played across 360 days is $0.25 per hour, which is a downright steal.
And we have all experienced amazing games that take less than 10 hours to complete and cost $30+.
