Make Premium Work on Play Time not Raw Time

That thought process only works for people who buy the year pack on sale, which is only available at a certain time of year.

It does not work for anyone considering purchasing premium at any other time in the year. Therefore you’re essentially conceding the point that premium is not worth buying outside of a narrow window of time.

Additionally it does not account for shorter premium options, so the only way to get real value out of premium time is to buy it in bulk during a narrow window.

The system I am proposing would make it so premium time has more value across all time periods and amounts. Furthermore I never said these options had to be mutually exclusive, quite the opposite. I think it would work best if they introduced a play time based option along side the existing raw time based option and then they could see which one sells better.

What I want to avoid is the scenario where someone purchases like a week of premium but then has something come up preventing them from playing as much as they intended, wasting the purchase. If it was available as play time instead then it doesnt matter if they can’t get to the game for most of a given week, their purchased time will be there waiting for them when they can play.

I’d rather have it match based rather than ingame time based. What if you forget to close WT overnight, or accidentally leave it open for some reason?

The current system is better than your proposal, but it could be made even better. Something like a day only counting when you log into WT would be better.


The most expensive short premium option is days, which no one should be buying to begin with.
It’s there to incentivize you to by annual of course.
All systems are.

Even with this suggestion, the most expensive option would be the 1 hour option, with the 1080 hour option being the cheapest per-hour.

This system was done on cellular phones and has been phased out.
This system has failed to be implemented in MMOs prior to this suggestion for War Thunder for good reason.
It doesn’t work psychologically, which is important for game morale.

A better suggestion, a genuinely better suggestion is after 1 week of inactivity premium pauses.


That does sound good, its pretty realistic


Never gonna happen as much as I wish it would.

do you know how pissed off you just made gaijin with this XD dude they will lose so much cash

People have to deal with the consequences of their actions.

I disagree completely. The current system incentivizes either playing an excessive amount during a short period of time, or buying so much time that you don’t think about how much you’re playing relative to the purchase. I think this is unfair and manipulative.

However you’ve got no counter argument to the idea of offering both systems simultaneously. Different approaches to premium for different people. If the end result is more people purchasing premium then what’s the downside?

This seems like a great idea but the current system works fine anyway. And it encourages you to play (which is what they want) to get the most out of your premium time.

Personally, I’d rather something like consecutive premium time is discounted or you can buy short bits of premium with SL or similar. A way to make premium more accessible but not necessarily substantially different

You’d pay a lot more for each minute of play time than each minute of elapsed time.

You might feel better about it, but you wont’ be better off.

what is considered playtime?

if it the time you logged in to the game? then no for me, it will be worse than current system for people that : play custom battle, play a mode where the wait time is long, like to view their vehicle in hangar more than playing a battle etc, basically worse for people that like to do anything other than only play a battle. cause the new system will cost them more money for less time

if it the time you on the actual battle, so excluding queue time, idling in hangar etc, then +1, it will be more effective than current system for everybody

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The more time you exclude the higher the unit cost will be.

It will not be more effective for anyone.

well it depend on the pricing, and probably will be worse for people that play almost 24/7 cause with current system they are the one that benefited the most, but for everybody else, as long as the price is reasonable, will be more effective

Wouldn’t really work, its a good reason games use the system like WT does already. At most the thing i could see is adding an option to pause premium for a certain segment of time if you can’t play, lets say adding an option to pause its timing for a specific amount of days ranging from a day, few days, week , two weeks to a month. You know for those times when you don’t wanna or simply can’t play, along with a mobile manger/login service disconnected from WT live so more people can actually get their logins when they can’t play.

Yes, the price would increase a lot and I think that alone will make it impossible for Gaijin to implement when everyone is used to the current price. I expect it’d have to grow 3 or 4 times, maybe even more.

I’m sure some market analyst can test it out, see if people are instantly put off by the increased price but better conditions, but I doubt Gaijin will spend their time doing that.