Taking a page from arcade mode, I think CAP should be more accessible to reduce the threat of CAS.
They should be free to spawn; the players should also be able to use their fighters without dying in a tank, so the whole lobby doesn’t becomepure pilots for the rest of the round.
There should be a dynamic limit of how many CAP planes can be up at the same time (based on a team), depending on the amount of CAS planes the enemy team have. Again, similar to tank AB.
For example:
There are 2 CAS planes on the sky, so 4 fighters allowed.
Player wait for 10 seconds, spawn in a plane, and there is a time limit (maybe) to how long he can fly, or the amount of enemy planes, then despawn the fighter (so he can’t abuse it as a scouting tool)
you cannot distinguish between CAS aircraft and CAP aircraft at top tier unless you only consider loadouts.
as low as 11.0 GRB CAS aircraft are helpless against CAP and hence even a single CAP aircraft is enough. i agree that ultra long range weapons should be withheld from lower BRs even up to 11.7.
Keep weapons such as brimstones, Kh-38 and Hammer to 13.0
The last thing I would want is for ground players to have less reasons to bring SPAA. Tired of MBT players who have main player syndrome who won’t even touch a support vehicle to help the team.
My idea was suggesting to let CAP players spawn in aircraft without dying, so they don’t become round-long pilots with nothing to do, and can go back to their tanks.