Make f-5c great again!

As I have said in this thread before. The J-35XS is over BRed. It likely should have had a BR reduction before the decompress due to the FM changes and will likely be going down next BR change. The J35s performance though is irrelevant to the F-5Cs performance as they are very very different aircraft.


It was part of the reason why the Mig-19s and F-104s are 9.3. At 9.7 they faced things that outclassed them all the time.


Yep, going to be inetersting to see if they continue the decompress further down the tree or not.

Quote me where I threatened you.

The BR change is a fact. It happened. There was an official blog about it.

I dogfight all the time at 12.0.

I’m telling you an objective fact. Not an opinion, what do you not understand about that?

I will stop when you stop harassing forum members for stating facts and having different opinions than you.

If you can’t argue with me because you’re wrong than admit it. No shame in admitting defeat.

My man you dont even play the game if anyone is trolling and being annoying and arguing, refusing to read, constantly twisting anything I say trying to bait reaction out of me is you. And I ask you politlye to leave me alone with your irrelevant opinion and you just cant, you are obsessed with me…

Again can you please stop taging me and being annoying? Thank you

Like I dont care what you say and never will, accept that and continue with your life. Whats so hard to understand???

As you have any clue about F14 etc… Common watching Youtube videos is not same as playing the game…

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


Can’t quote where I’m threatening him, refuses to read what I said and acknowledge EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN PLANE GOT MOVED UP and proceeds to say I don’t read, calls facts irrelevant, refuses to learn, am I missing anything else?

Argues in bad faith and throws a fit when I call him out on it

@Saitama_420 @Saitama_420
@Saitama_420 @Saitama_420 @Saitama_420 @Saitama_420
@Saitama_420 @Saitama_420
@Saitama_420 @Saitama_420
@Saitama_420 @Saitama_420
@Saitama_420 @Saitama_420
@Saitama_420 @Saitama_420
@Saitama_420 @Saitama_420
@Saitama_420 @Saitama_420
@Saitama_420 @Saitama_420
@Saitama_420 @Saitama_420

Admit you’re wrong and trolling and I’ll stop :D


Can you repeat that I wasnt listening?


I said this.

You said this

I said this

You said this

You did not listen to what I said and admitted to arguing in bad faith.

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What’s this! Legit evidence with the date and your name on there, proving it happened today and is his account! Wow, let’s just pretend that doesn’t exist and make a fool of myself


Good boy

Bro is going crazy tryna defend this 💀

1 Like

whatever makes you feel better.

I’m already fighting a-10a botterswith 9Ls in every uptier at 8.7/9.0 , i think the f-5 should stay where it is




yeah, they too hopefully get their BR raised, would love to finally get around to play some of the 9.3/9.7 on my backlog


yeah now show his enemies, full down tier am I right?

Blud is 13 years old