Make f-5c great again!

So you are threatening me now isnt that like super against TOS? But dont worry Im not snitch like you and I dont get offended by others opinions I respect even if its yours, but that doesnt mean Im gonna agree. So you decided what I know and what I do? Unfortenutly for you thats not how it goes.

Your opinion on BR change is wrong they made changes on fact how much each plane earns RP and I find that laughable.
Like we all know J35XS was making RP crazy because of rocket bug, not plane but a BUG and noone is mentioning that…
F5C ofc its gonna earn more RP its premium plane made exactly for that. Also its plane made solely for dogfighting and not evading radar missles and all kind of monsters in 12.0 that rarley do dogfighting…

Also Im not arguing because I dont take you seriously I think you have opinion and very bad based on Youtube videos but I respect it enough to sometimes read it to the end. But you trying to twist it to get me banned is just sad…Now please stop tagging me I wont engage in any convo with you. Thank you

then the 12.0s need to go up in br and more decompression is needed.
What isnt needed is a Powerful plane like the F-5C thats can smack every plane at 9.3-10.3 to go down in BR


I appriciate you acutally being seriuos. Like oke I agre lets not make it 10.3, make it 10.5 take away its flares?

if 10.5 was implemented the the whole BRs would need a rework

Gaijin isnt gonna do that for 1 plane


then 10.7 but leave the flares?

but how many 11.3-11.7s are there to balance it? It cant just get lowered and become a seal clubber. Thats not how it works
And that was what it was doing before the BR changes. because there was a crap ton of planes at the 9.3-10.3 brs Before the BR changes. So you would essentially get downtiered every time and club planes who had Zero chance


Friend’s match.


is that when F-5C is 11.0 right?

It was yesterday, so yes.



Oke so its better to ruin plane you can only buy with money and made just so you can grind planes easier like so hard to play you need to play game for 5+ years (8hours a day) just to have a litte fun.
Dont you get I have a job and I dont have time for 8hours of play and I wanna play f16c and then theres optiuon in game if you willing to pay to help you not playing 8 hours and you buy it and then its like “we gnna nerf it”
Like Im not asking for F5C to be OP, and Im quite sure he was not OP before Im just asking for consistency…now you only have consistancy in dying.

Also I cant judge plane from 1 game…I just cant

imm no it wasnt ruined. Now you actually have to use you brain and be good at dogfighting. A high br premimum plane shouldnt be just a gateway to clubbing lower br planes. Thats not how it works.


Also they Didnt nerf it, they Balanced it


It was actually


The F-5C is okay at 11.0, right now its the best BR it can get to avoid Tomcats and Mirage 2000s, and to offer a decent gameplay without the sealclubbing it previously had. It’s a reliable airframe that once you get to a good energy state, you can fight pretty much anything, same as the good old F-5E.

I bought the Kfir Canard and i can safely bet that its matchmaker is infinately more complex (and overall harder to pull good games) than the F-5C.


But thats what you had to do before also… Dont tell me like 2 yearold could play F5C when it was lower rank and have 5 kills…stop with that OP it was not OP, like I played F5E and thats not OP…again to me and in my opinion…

OP are planes that can kill 3-4 planes before dying and doing not that much, like F14A/B, F15A/C, F16C…thats OP in my opinion.

It was very strong. Due to how common they are, basically ALL 9.3+ were dragged up to 10.3 matches and faced them. Many are sub-sonics, with no CMs and limited FM. Fighting an F-5 in something like the Harrier Gr1 was brutal, if not boarderline impossible.


Good job those are all 12.3+ and therefore the F-5s cant see them. The worse the F-5C sees is stuff like the Tornado ADV, Phantoms, Mig-23, etc. All of which the F-5 has a good chance of beating on merge. Just going to struggle in the BVR phase.


Same as 11.3 for J35XS now?

without Phoenixes, F-14A is just F-4S with TWS mode on its radar that flies better.

and AIM-54s are 17G missiles. People refusing to notch does not make them OP.