Make f-5c great again!

What’s this! Legit evidence with the date and your name on there, proving it happened today and is his account! Wow, let’s just pretend that doesn’t exist and make a fool of myself


Good boy

Bro is going crazy tryna defend this 💀

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whatever makes you feel better.

I’m already fighting a-10a botterswith 9Ls in every uptier at 8.7/9.0 , i think the f-5 should stay where it is




yeah, they too hopefully get their BR raised, would love to finally get around to play some of the 9.3/9.7 on my backlog


yeah now show his enemies, full down tier am I right?

Blud is 13 years old


No you are not


cry about it, 1 battle in like 50

It is Lag’s scorecard; 11.3 match.

F-5C was borderline at 10.3, which means it could’ve been 10.7 capable. After 0.7 BR of decompression it went up by 0.7, and is fine.
Further decompression is plausible.


okay but why is it on the same br as F-5E?
dude think

No, it would just cause more BR compression which would worsen the problem.

Same reason why the F-5C wasn’t moved up for so long.
A lack of granularity between BR steps.

We got less than 10% decompression and that was seemingly enough for them to bump the F-5C.

Id love for 50% decompression, but we got less than 10%

So one game is all we need to decide plane is in good BR? Sounds really bad but then again why not, lets give premium planes to a top players and decide based on their gameplay is plane at good BR.
I think BR should be decided on these things:

  • Equipment of the plane (radars, RWS)
  • armaments (missles, flares)
  • Flying model

Weird how you claim one battle makes the plane.
Cross analysis does as I’ve always stated.
Comparing to other like-aircraft in stats can also show power.

F-5C has an RWR and flares.
And flight performance similar to that of Mig-21Bis.

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Oh my bad didnt know it only fights Mig-21Bis, then I guess theres no problems since its better plane.

Your post acts as if F-4J is 11.0 when it’s not, it’s 12.0 of which you see at maximum 4 of.