shittiest trailer
ofc someone will complain
Mind explaining why?
Yea I can just make out the flag on the one behind it
i`m not about the vehicles, but about quality of trailer itself
it will be the worst, they gotta find a way to make the UK gripen the worst
o.O its not that bad
At least Italy has zero vehicles. :/
Guys Sea Harrier confirmed!!!
Yeah, below another decal that only one has. RWR on the tail suggests both are quite modern.
We’ll see what else NL gets.
Prob alsp an F-16 and the NF-5 since they only get 3 things and Belgium gets 5 in that line up.
He’s not really wrong. I think its the worst trailer we’ve had in a while.
That is block 20, block 15 doesn’t have the IFF thing on the nose.
I also don’t know if the Block 15 ever got Carapace
Sounds like something Gaijin would do. Add an aircraft without IFF with AMRAAM
Which one? The African or European swallow?
But at this point i take it as a racism when someone thing Czechs/rest of the easter/slavic nations are just russia.
Belgian one definitely is an Block 15 OCU
other one is a Block 15 I think?
Block 15 (without IFF) won’t be getting AMRAAM, that is reserved for Block 20 which does have it