Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

The tech tree A-4N skyhawk?

I’m living in the future, mate. I’m in east Australia.

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Why didnt you warn us about 9/11?

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Amusement, and not being born at the time.


No the old pre-order one

If you are getting it tomorrow and we are getting it today, you are a day late. Living in the past Clueless

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F-15ID, Rafale, KF-21 all with an Indonesian flag would be swell. Game is not quite there yet though.

That’s not how time zones work, you bloody drongo.



AH then theres two.

Damn, didn’t know the tricolour was an Indonesian one.


Leopard 2A7HU 😁


Pls no

It better be one of the promised props…

It would at the very least give Italy something to be in “meta” for once.

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The irony here is that Indonesia doesn’t recognise Israel.

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or 40M Nimród. Need SPAA for WW lineup :)

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@Smin1080p Question. Any idea of when carrier spawns for naval planes will start coming back? I’ve never launched my F-4J or either F-14 off a carrier in an actual match because they seem to have disappeared just before the F-4J was released. Would love to launch my naval planes from carriers. Maybe for a future release with the F-18? :P Also… Any clues on some more 16 inch guns for naval? :D


Yea I think it would be the WW2 SPAA

Either would be nice, although how focused on top tier forum is, I see it waiting for Leo instead.