Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Props premium since they already got a fair few CV in the tree, we just gonna find out tomorrow

They already had the bes EC map in the game. Still not invited to their own party because there are no playable ground vehicles in Sim EC.

Horrendous idea

would feel weird when they just got the leo premium, but its gajin and sweden is a love child so… who knows

Which part is horrendous?
How would you like to see South Asian, South East Asian, and South Korean content added?

Please be real, luv me CV90s even if they’ll be overtiered

There is already the L2A7NO though, which is roughly A7V

I honestly don’t know, I believe this user just made a calculated guess, it’s from the same source as the last leaks.

Considering that the vast majority of South-East Asian countries lack much uniqueness, I’d rather they have individual vehicles be put in whatever pre-existing tree makes most sense.

No need for an orientalist conglomeration in order to get a mid tree

The Koreas can get a united independent tree


u mean the one that was never put into production only was trialed , besides that norwegian is premium only right now

Fair enough.
There is an Indonesian skin for the Su-27 which is why I researched it but I really need that flag on the stat card tbh. At the end of the day I don’t care but would like to have some Indo stuff to play and at some point in the future Korean or Indo flagged KF-21’s. Scattered around other trees would work for me too.

Argh, internal engine sounds are still gone and many tanks engine sounds are still completely messed up! I would have hoped for it to be fixed by now :/

EDIT: now it’s fixed, yay!

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The ayit also has an indo skin.

Oh yeah, the pre-order Israeli A4 has it.

It is time


At about 3am tomorrow for me.

skill issue

When did I say that it’s an issue?

The only truly interesting South-East Asian country is Singapore, but they are only interesting in high tier ground.
All the others have only a few vehicles for each of them that’s unique.

I’m not quite sure what to do with Singapore though

You are living in the past, get on with the times.