Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

can you point me in the direction of the other 13.0 or current 12.7 aircraft?

The only thing that does suck is britain and italy will get newer jets to pad out their top tier (10.x-13.0) sweden most likely won’t, after the delta nerfs the viggens weren’t appealing to begin with and the draken is a starfighter without the engine to keep its speed up. Their air tree kinda has nothing and gaijin probably wont change their stance on Norway or Denmark so that means no f16 which agin leaves italy and britain with a gripen which is good but additional jets to pad out interest. Just pointing out something the Hyrikul is mentioning.

Cheetah wouldnt have done anything, it was already worse then the F16s and mig29s we had in game

Not unlike gaijin to make vehicles perform better than irl for balance (p59a cough cough)

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Italy shouldn’t, but the av8b was a joint project with McDonnell Douglas doing a lot of the design changes and primarily used by US and it’s US made

Gaijin and many others here have already pointed out that most of the playerbase stick to one or two tech tree anyways. Of course less incentives if tech trees are less unique, but IRL this is also the case. It just keeps getting more expensive to develop your own fighter aircraft including the whole knowledge and defence industry required to do this.

“Gaijin!!! As a German main, I won’t allow this slander, move the Tigers to 5.0 and 5.3 now!!!1!1!1”
(I’m a German main so yes I’m making this joke, although I prefer using the Panthers tbh)

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That is true, but that will only work less and less well when air to ground armaments become too good. This is because most of the time spawning CAP is usually reactionary

Currently Kh38 and mavericks are still pretty limited in quantity, but 18 brimstones for example that ignore smokes means that a large part or potentially the majority of your team will already be dead before you intercept.

Also heres another thing who gets the gripen E first sweden or brazil/Italy? I doubt gaijin would make it an event vehicle so again that means it wont be a unique air tree and further makes air redundant.

im sorry but its still a harrier at its core and by what Hyrikul said, america shouldnt get a the AV8B as its still base on a harrier a british plane

Panthers just feel better imo than tigers, though i wont lie the tiger E just hits different half the time.

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Should be Sweden, as Italy should get a typhoon at about the same time

Again gaijin is gonna either leave us with the gripen C for 6 updates like with the Ja37D or we may get the finish f18 MLU 2 when the f18/A-C/D arrives

Yep, I honestly prefer the Panther’s 75mm over the Tiger’s 88mm.
I also love playing Germany at long range so I prefer the Panthers.
I will admit I’m also too lazy to try and aim for a Jumbo’s MG while playing the Tiger so yes it’s also a skill issue involved lmao

Tiger turret can be trolly af but the muzzle is a huge weakspot

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F-16s are all American planes, no one else should get them. Gripens are swedish, so no one else should get them by your logic. Same with F-15, only belong to US. Oh wait, what about F-4 phantoms (all of em) they’re all American at the core right? Same for f104’, sabres (including cl-13), P-51, Sherman, M60, M48, A-4, and almost every other American vehicle

And anyways, it’s called the McDonell Douglas AV-8B not Hawker-Siddley or BAE it’s an American jet.

I mean its the same for the UK, germany and italy our only domestic plane and its variants are to “advanced”

uk and italy at least get a grippen as a step in between lol


Theyll be here before gripen E, and youll still keep getting aircraft well before we see the E. I wish gaijin woupdve done the BeNeLux route with the Nordic tree but theyd rather leave Nor and Den to premium, not to mention all the unique finnish air are premium lmao

The me agree.