Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I mean because of all the UI updates they could fit a sub, but I’d rather just have Australian mods of US stuff and leave any original stuff for UK


Wikipedia is barely a source. Regardless, i will concede that US-AU relations are closer than i imagined. Despite that fact, the American tech tree is in no need of a subtree, and easily fill every high tier BR bracket.

Post right above the other guys

Not asking for a sub just a few Aussie variants of US bought vehicles

Still, your prior post “australia belongs to the US tree” or something along those lines, it made your opinion appear along the lines of an AU subtree in the US

They have a close relation largely due to location. Australia is an ideal staging area for US interests in the South China Sea. Plus location makes trade much easier with the US and China than it is with much of Europe

My bad should’ve worded it better

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Understandable, and i do agree that keeping the Abrams in the US tree as much as possible is ideal.


Yes and No. Somethings, sure. Others, not massively necessary in my opinion. Im guessing you are after something like the F-18 with ASRAAM. Which could be a unique addition to the US TT, if its appropriate (older airframe with better missiles can be good, can be bad)

I wouldnt say no to a F-18 in the British TT, but either from Canada or Australia is fine.

But I dont think defacto all US export vehicles to Australia should go to the US. M1A1 AIM would have made a more interesting SQV for Britain than T-90 did, but alas that ship sailed. But I wouldnt say no to the F-111C being left open for an event vehicle/SQV for the UK TT in the future and as far as I am aware, it would essentially be identical to the US one.

Not really sure what else Australia operated without looking.

(New Zealand A-4s would also be kinda interesting to get at some point, maybe as a premium)

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Ah… Okay that makes more sense. That I can agree with that.

F-111C had some differences cuz of 80’s upgrades, could carry pave tack and some other radar avionics stuff. It depends on what year the f111c is from in game if it’s added. I think it’d be a neat 11.3 for air and ground with some of the mid life upgrades. Would be a pretty sweet squadron vehicle, for the modernish Australian lineup. Squadron vehicle means if you really like Australian stuff and played UK for it, you can also get the f111c in the American tree without having to grind out the rest of the tree, which would basically solve any conflict between ppl who want it in US vs UK.

Since there isn’t any other way that I know of for America to get ASRAAMs, the Aussie F/A-18 would be a good addition to America sometime in the future, and, while I would prefer if it wasn’t, the CF-18 is an option for the UK.

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Yeah that’s why I mentioned the EF and CF 18’s

Yeah, thats the main reason why I wouldnt be opposed to the Australian F-18 going to the US. But only if it actually came with ASRAAM. If it was just a US F-18 with an Australian Flag. Then Id be a bit annoyed and confused.

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True. At least as an SQV in the US I could play it at will.

But if not, Id not say no to it being on the table as a UK event aircraft. But thats a long way off yet. F-111C hasnt even been added to the game yet.

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Yeah. We’ll see in the future.

If Australia goes anywhere but the UK ill be baffed


Mfw F/A-18A early, F/A-18B, F/A-18A+, F/A-18C, F/A-18D, F/A-18E, F/A-18F
(Not saying all of these are super likely, just agreeing with your point that the US doesn’t need Aussie or other foreign Hornets in the TT or even as event vehicles lol)


On the topic of Spanish aircraft: where on earth would they go TT-wise? Afaik they haven’t been declared as a sub nation for any in-game TT yet, so we really could just see their vehicles anywhere

Best guesses currently. Either Italy as a “minor-axis nation” or scattered throughout based upon country of origin of the vehicles.

Though im hoping for a Spanish TT with Portugal and maybe another nation. Would be kinda interesting I think.