Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

That it probably needs to go down in BR as well. But is sitll at 12.3.

Not actually on the dev yet.


so Smin, to change the topic what are you most looking forward to this update?

mine is definitely the Sea Harrier



The models were unless im mistaken.


Eh, I just find the “NATO-isations” of soviet stuff interesting

Basically. Kinda funny actually. Just need to get that CF-18 to complete the set

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You need to switch the Rafale with the EFT, can’t have them thinking we think Rafale is better now can we :)

Sea Harrier is up there but for me its actually BeNeLux’s Spitfire FR XIVe. That skin is stunning and a researchable FR XIV with the clipped wings is perfect for me. Its my favourite Mark.


Something was datamined a few days ago. But its not currently possible to equip BOL+AMRAAM on the dev server


Britain knocking Italy off it’s Air RB perch circa 2026



Is there a Q&A planned in the near future?

Right now you are the only one answering all questions. Maybe it would make your job a little bit easier

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very nice, did you get to go to any museums for research this time?

went on holiday to poland, so polish tt confirmed?!?!?!

I also really hope this gets acknowledge and fixed before live too:

driving me nuts on the FRS1

Speaking of which. Anyword on it getting its placeholder harrier Gr3 HUD replaced at the same time as the FA2?

na we need to figure out how to rat our way into the J20 we need all of the major canard aircraft >:3

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For the Sea Harrier yes, but not recently. I think I collected the first walkaround images for that pre-pandemic. Very early planning :)

Cockpit was much more recent. I was very lucky to sit inside a SHAR.


Hmmm… Hong Kong Sub-nation for Britain?

true true, something something pearl of the orient

As I said above, the functionality is still WIP. But the pylons were added. You can see them already:


Please just tell me the FA2 and FRS1 arent keeping the Gr3 HUD. Driving me nuts

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