Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

AFAIK there are also loadouts with R-73 for first MiG-29S but it doesn’t get them, so…
I dunno.

EDIT: Forgot important bit…

Now that u mention it lol xD

Again, not saying it’s a guarantee. Just a possibility.

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R-73s were available on earlier MiG-29s indeed. However following the complaints gaijin did do the smart move and make them no longer available for players. I guess its just easier to hide them than delete them smh.

When is the update going live again?

expecting it personally Tuesday the 11th.

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That, or this friday. I am more inclined to Tuesday, believing a second dev though, the CV9035DK and T-80UE-1 are yet to be completed, there should be a lower tier pre-order for French coastal besides the VLT too.

When did that ever stop gajin from implementing zheir update lol. Looking back at the atrocious state of the rank 8 ground introduction

They’ve only done one major update on Friday, ever.
This in software development is a really bad idea because your whole team is out of office right when you know there will be issues popping up and hot fixes needed.
Not impossible but I wouldn’t bet on it.

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Now its 9.7 premium and even cheaper
But only rank 6 now and i would even consider it useless for research purposes lol. But cz u got your wish i guess

AHEAD can penetrate and has been demonstrated to heavily damage bombs and projectiles
images (4)
images (5)

im talking about the current su27sm mb, hence the “currently”

Well, the CV90 and UE1 in this case are premiums

Not mine but it’s just shows you how Russia doesn’t need yet another premium nor SV.



Whats “blue”?
Atleast it solves the one death leavers problem.

It’s a event tank I think

I know lol

what the bloody hell is a Tornade? had me thinking they were getting a premium tornado for a second there.

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then whyd you mention the pod

That’d be nice. Maybe one that isn’t useless.