Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Looks like noone cares XD


it’s just been updated by stona, with the .18 changes turned to standard text, and the new ones in green

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What is that?

As all I could find is the double barreled casemate that in Germany.

Oh the boat. How did I miss that? It was just talked about.

French new ships.

Guichen : Attilio class Italian destroyer given to the French navy and modified post war to become an AA escort ship.
Tornade : Old 1920’s French destroyer
VLT-2 : French MTB, most likely the premium announcing the future French coastal tree CBT.

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can shoot less than 100m due to the heavy drop and the inclination being very limited. I won’t be getting it.

true lol

does that mean we will get the Tall Boy earthquake bomb when we get the Tirpitz?


might be some kinda balancing for russia at least, russia having the best Sams in game and some of the longest range stand off weapons, where nato has far better pods to give them a chance to spot targets in the few seconds they have before they have to go defensive due to a pansir

Churchill Mk III hull at 2.7.

The thing will be nigh unkillable but needs to be next to anything to kill it.


it’s the Snail that follows you at all times

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i dont really need it, just asking cause it got thermals

however, you cant stabilise the sight currently, and i dunno if thats a bug, because if it isnt, then it will need it

no idea I would assume it has a stabiliser if not them thats a weird ass russian pod lol

Drive from cap to cap, clearing thé way. Just hope you don’t meet a 76mm M10 or anyone with a brain to shoot at your forehead.

I highly doubt Bison will get R-77s…

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Same, but it carried them and when AIM-9B’s were first added they also added premiums with them so it’s not completely out of the realm of possibilities.

I mean the would require a partial up tier(and there is plenty threats there). As those are 3.3.

But like a said “nigh unlikable” well most things won’t be able to kill you but there is a handful that can.

AIM-9B =/= R-77
One is VERY dumb heat seeking missile and other is kind of an advanced active radar homing missile

R-77 will most likely (actually fairly certain) raise BR of Bison to 12.3 or even 12.7

EDIT: Also the first 9B/R-3S equipped jets didn’t show up until F-4C was a thing, at least that is the case for MiG-17AS. First jet premiums were that red Meteor, Sabre Skyblazers and MiG-15bis ISH

Lies, Germany too only has one Thermal pod on a Striker

Yeah they aren’t the same. I’m also not saying it’s a guarantee. Just saying the possibility is out there.
They were already mined as unused (unfinished) load out and modification so somewhere at Gaijin was/is thinking about it.