Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

its the ugly cousin of the leopards but it is still one of our babys

only reason i want it is because of the LWR, not even cuz of the aps but the LWR

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dt 1919

They sometimes do that nowadays.

but like you said, they do that rarely nowadays

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I would like to point out this line: They have 0 domestic aircraft past rank V I meant ranks VI, VII and VIII and you know it.

You want to tell me that normally unarmed trainer aircraft which can be armed with gunpod but said gunpod only ever existed in one example somehow managed to spawn 6 variants?! This is why I called the numbers unrealistic. The S.14 can maybe have two variants and even that is questionable.

Also in no way it is in ranks VI or VII or VIII since it is subsonic and lacks modern armament.

OK I will admit I forgot about coastal.

We are now basically inventing ships and ignoring clear criteria for eligibility to game. No design was chosen no ship was laid down → doesn´t count

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Everyone knows that the designation ‘F-15J KAI’ is incorrect, but the F-15SJ and F-15MJ, or the J(M) subtypes mentioned in this issue report(Community Bug Reporting System), do not exist at all, and their designations are unofficial and not found in official Ministry of Defense documents.

Since the aircraft has been refitted with the JHMCS, the designation should be changed to ‘F-15J MSIP’ as stated in official documents, or to ‘F-15J MSIP Form II,’ which was the original designation of the modernization program.

Modernization program (MTDP) Type II added JHMCS, not MSIP. The designation F-15J(M) is official and would be correct.

We do have docs to prove that, but this is perhaps also enough;




To old for the dunkerque

If not F-15J (M), would “F-15J MTDP” or “F-15J MTDP II” work?

I hope it’s not F-15MJ though as that kinda feels weird putting something in there before the J. I know we have the F-4EJ and F-16AJ, so it’s not unprecedented.


To my knowledge, Dunkerque never had any torpedoes so it could never have been that.


What do you mean… The Netherlands had one of the strongest and biggest navies of WWII?
All of those ships have been laid down, except for those projects (the construction had to be cancelled during the invasion of WWII). Russian bluewater ships are blueprints too - yet they are in the game - so why can’t those.

The Fokker S.14.1 , S.14.2 and S.14.3 were designed with armaments.
The Fokker S.14.1 was the main production variant and the Fokker S.14.2 , S.14.3 were planned production variants of the S.14.1.

Like the R2Y2’s, BF-109Z, Ho-Ri, Russian Bluewater vessels, Yak-141, Me-264, XP-55, Ho 229 V3, etc…

So why not count the other variants.

Rank VI and above are Fokker and SABCA licenced build aircrafts, with some of them having improved electronics.
The Dutch Air Force also has purchased a number of LANTIRN targeting systems, and has also agreed on the Joint Helmet-mounted Cueing System. The RNlAF has purchased ALQ-131 pods for use on its F-16s. The ALQ-131 pods been upgrade to Block-2 configuration. In combination with the Lantirn targeting pod, 60 examples of the GEC/MARCONI navigation pods were acquired, an order was also placed for 8 Elbit Reccelite pods and Litening AT pods.


Perhaps; however, the “I” and “II” were removed after the completion of the program. Though “F-15MJ” is still more accurate than current “F-15J Kai”.


Just check…yeah no torpedoes on it

Well yea, I am just partial to F-15J (M) over F-15MJ, if I had to pick.


The title is likely an abbreviation of J(MSIP or MTDP), and if we consider it as official, J(M) might be acceptable. However, since there is no mention of ‘MJ’ in the Ministry of Defense’s equipment procurement documents, it would be appreciated if you could avoid using that designation.

Is it likely that the reason we have never seen the designation ‘F-15J MTDP’ in official documents is due to a translation issue, where Japanese terms are being translated and abbreviated into English?

Excluding submarines nothing on rank V and VI was laid down thats a fact. And being laid down or having construction started on that particular ship is requirement for it being eligible for the game. The Netherlands didn’t even choose winning design. Russian ships were all laid down and approved based on design which the follow to the T.

No they weren’t the gunpod was only a project which was cancelled after single gunpod prototype which was tested on the L-1 prototype and K-1 had dummy one. No others had it or could mount it and it wasn’t planned to.

R2Y2 are announced to be hidden in the future, all other different thing compared to .2 and .3 is there even any info what would the .3 version look like? We really shouldn’t repeat R2Y2 and Gaijin just inventing things.

None of these are domestic vehicle and are only modificationa of existing aircraft which isn’t what I was talking about. You are yet again changing the goalposts.

So done with premium aircrafts just killing my entire team when in full up tier.

you are wrong.
