Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

i think it more future related since italy is getting leo 2a8 as well hungary developing the kf51 evo and that there will be nothing realy “unique” left for germany
Personaly i just find it more of an reason as well why gajin should add the embt series earlier and boxer variants like the rct 120, so germanys line up and variety stays a bit more unique and isnt 1 to 1 the same as italy

Why not doing that with every other “new” Nation? France getting allied Vehicles why not, but getting Vehicles which France in reallity did refuse so they make their own stuff is just bullshit

yeah I know I just find it funny like we could have a british T80, or a canadian Mig21s or hell a US Hind or T90M

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thats just the problem of again exporting all your tanks, look at americas top tier planes every nation baring like 3 will have F35s

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its a double standard and its why people get so pissed that we are getting india because it makes zero sense


still think ground and air is a bit different, since there is not many air developers left and it needs a hell lot more work, and generaly ground is more diverse because its easier to develop and many people add their own unique tastes so to say

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Hear hear, its nonsense.
Even copying vehicles abroad there are abrams and leopards from ex-CMW states and they actually play more British than bhishma. Well “the German mains would be pissed”, so Russian mains wont be pissed by a T-90 which has a better matchmaker going to the Brits?

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It’s funny how Germans always brag how Leopards exported better than Leclercs, but when it’s suddently used as excuse to give Leopards to others country, they suddently don’t like that anymore.

Personnally i’m toward TT staying the most original possible, specially when it’s possible (so in that case i understand them), but it’s funny anyway.

But to the dude saying France is shit, you should open some books and not just looking at hollywood movies or internet meme, because it really makes you sound like someone with a huge knowledge gap.

We are not in the 40s anymore since some times now.

(edit: here a good video if all you know about France is outdated meme)



Yeah, because suprise suprise. Not all country have unlimited military budged to make their own aircraft. So it is cheaper to buy the existing that are on markets. Hell, im happy that we in Czechis still make our own L-159 ALCA and L-39 ligh striker/training jets. Hell, our L-39NG will be modified to be connected to F-35 as a trainer for them, expending out market


eh i think still there plenty of unique vehicle for germany, like (afaik) nobody buy a full package 2a7+, or a full package 2a4 revolution so those tank in those configuration will be unique to germany

the problem, atleast for me, is when gaijin will add them, in a perfect world it should be added alongside the export variant of that vehicle, for example right now with the addition of 2a7HU(a variant of 2a7+) should be added alongside 2a7+ full package for germany

oh yeah no I tottaly get that and it seems with each generation of jets there are less and then more

3gen there were a ton

4th gen it dropped a bit then really picked up with 4.5 gen

5th gen there are like 4 jets

6th gen there are a lot more being made the German and French project, the tempest with the UK Sweden and Japan, Japans own domestic option, Americas one, the Su75 (femboy) for Russia and I think China is also working on one

yeah thats the point lol

you forgot italy

yeah it is funny, honestly sad the challengers suffered in the export market so we dont get more wacky variants of them but eh maybe thats for the better, then again would be funny for someone to get the Jordanian challenger 2s and finally see how shit they are

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oh yeah forgot about italy my bad

i mean, i personaly dont have a problem with it, i only got the problem wif gajin pulls bullshit like with sweden giving them the better leopards with a bit over 3 years when that is factualy not true.

I am one of the first that celebrated the 2a7hu, its a beautiful tank and personaly love the rcws. But in its essence it still is 1 to 1 the same as the 2a7v

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even down to the shitty armour nerf for some reason lol

thats the 2a7hu, if you specialy refering to the side armor one, its rumoured hungary got that as well, they just never showed it of yet

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I understand very well how it can be horrible to see your tech going in other TT, but don’t forget that Germany always gonna be one of the 3 glory, because of the numbers of players. Vehicles from the “majors”’ ingame nations going elsewhere can hurt a little, but it’s not gonna change everything about it, or making your TT abandonned by players.


They need to give the Shar FA2 9Ms stock its already painful enough not being able to keep up with the enemy and having less missiles this is just dumb

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