Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Why would Gaijin be nice to do that for us British mains? lol

Jokes aside though. I think either it stays where it is or like you said move it a bit down to 12.0. But hey that’s just my opinion on it. :p

at least right now AIM120Bs seem to just be copy paste 120As so it doesnt have a significant advantage there, and it still sits at a same BR where you can fight F16s that have 6 AIM9Ms so idk I think it should at least be 12.0 that way only 25% of the enemies we run into are 4th gens with double your missiles and way more then double your countermeasures

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Afaik the Gripen has the smallest RCS in the world for a non stealth aircraft and to answer your previous question, the JAS39E is slightly larger with the license produced F414 engine a new AESA radar and more pylons brinign the count up to 8 or 10


Thanks, yeah I also kinda looked it up.
Seems like the RCS to the Rafale and Gripen (E) seems proportional to each other. I suppose thats already the case too with the Gripen now and other larger fighters so I don’t think what the other guy said about the E being OP isn’t something that will be a problem anymore then than it is now (assuming it’s added alongside the Rafale).


Yeah…no. Not only ussr doesn’t need any sub-tt at all. Plus Czechoslovakia (Czechia and Slovakia) have enough vehicles to made a TT that would probably be bigger not only the Israel, but also Sweden. And pretty small amount of vehicles would be copy and paste.


For hypotetical new European tech trees Id go with two: CZ/SVK+PL and Yugoslavia.
Feels like that combo would please the most folks out there

I would add a Ukranian vehicles to it as a premium/event/sqadron vehicles

or use them as another branch. I’ve seen a nice suggestion for an independent rank 5+ tree, in the same style as ISR though.

I dont want any more TT that looks like Israel. not full TT, only half and you need to play other nation first to unlock them. Still think that Israel shouldn’t be new TT.

Yugoslavia has more than enough to be independent, and CZ and PL should go together as a sort of independent Warsaw Pact faction.


have the devs do something about base respawn in ARB because my poor Su-22 cannot get a single one…
i got 5 matches and i just stopped playing because i cant get any base

so anything new since the dev server dropped?

Speaking of, did BvvD say anything of note in the Russian stream?

Twere were some extra models modeled into few vehicles.

Still wondering how they will do it with Otomatic and its 2 autoloaders

no but he managed to miss a MiG-15 with AMRAAMs in test drive

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Dont have link, just something i saw posted on discord

Various Avenues, Mainly GE Vehicles for each patch, but i also like collecting profile pictures, and skins

For example

I have 6 pages of profile pictures and most of my American tanks have three tone CARC camo.
this repeats itself across all nations, China i use, Yellow Green Black camo etc etc.

I have 10 crew slots for all 10 nations and I’m currently working on maxing the crew out for planes, tanks, ship and helicopters, but this is taking time.

Other Goals is to collect all medals and remaining missing profile pictures

Again one of my long term goals is to spade all vehicles, but thats a long long way away

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I don’t really care about that, problem is they just don’t sound human at all, they speak like robots. “¡Impacto! ¡Impacto confirmado!” (“Hit! Hit confirmed!”), I doubt anyone speaks like that. In other instances the own gunner (not the commander) says “¡Disparo!” which literally means “Shot!” (not shoot/fire). The loader also says “¡Casquillo cargado!” when loading a SABOT round, which directly translates to “¡Casing loaded!”.

It makes no sense. Maybe they could’ve done a bit more research and learn about Spanish tank crew commands.