Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Honestly, the simple fact that the ICE is a 3rd gen airframe with 4th gen armament always meant it would either be disgustingly overpowered or disgustingly underpowered in the game.

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well it look slike i cant get anything. my matches just disappear from the list and i dont get any rewards

oh god and 6 of them
also i can already hear angry German noises

we were aware of that, but gajin decided to drag it trough the mud even further with worse IR missles and a high br


Can’t even connect to it, so be happy you can play XD

if i dont get shit for playing meaning im just wasting my time on this mess id rather be in your position

Btw, are you basing that on something else than it not being shown anywhere? I didn’t have time to really go through the streams or forums today.

Anyway looks like France is the nation of the month, they get an F-16 with similar armament to the US F-16C and MICA on the M2k

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dev works now

I’m so confused how the XM800T can have its stabilizer in both dev streams but somehow not in the dev server.


That is true. The best you can hope is that it’s current armament and BR is only placeholder until the update actually gets released. Or that the MiG-29G gets R-77s. Yes it would be ahistorical, but so is the Gripen carrying Skyflashes and the F-16C carrying Sparrows. This is a case where I support sacrificing some historical accuracy for a more equal and fun gameplay experience.


I assume 7 fighter aircraft armed with AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM and R-77-1

  • F-15C MSIP II
  • F-16C Block 50
  • F-16A Block 15 ADF (ITA)
  • F-16AM MLU (Belgian Air Force)
  • F-16A Block 20 MLU
  • JAS39 Gripen C (HuAF)
  • MiG-29SMT (9-19)

well… anyone can tell me
j11a still n001 like j11
not n001v like su27sm

Dev still not working for me

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@Smin1080p Sorry for the ping, but i wanna ask. When they will be remodelling Otomatic, which have 2 autoloaders. If one get hit, the second autoloader should still work and load the shell. Will this work like that or it will be like on Strv 103 where the shot disable both engines, even thought only one was hit.
Thanks for the answer


man they did the SMT’s radar dirty


i cant get in to the dev service at all

welp, can’t balance guess we’ll remove it then? :D