Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I checked a minute ago and it wasn’t

Wow damit than ill have to grind it asap, love my F-16AJ and NETZ most atm :D


Any idea when the dev opens? the client just got updated with 8 gigs.

it had a big download but not yet

of topic but how doas the f22 still not have irst (which the mig23 has)

It’s getting it in it’s current upgrade package

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bro what are you on AAHAHAHHAHAH


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Dev open

itks time boys

Time to check Oto

Sidegrade. 120 has better tracking and range. R77 has better agility and a quicker time to max speed.

Essentially breaks the “medium range ARH” missiles into “long” and “short” medium range.


lmao they gave the R-77 a sneaky 50g’s in between stream and our dev

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From this suggestion ?

They had 50gs on stream lol.

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40 im pretty sure
well ill be damned

what is the apg 65gy?

Dev is open.

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Should be the F-4F radar no?