Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

meanwhile tornado at 12.7

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has that plane line ever been good? like the sabers, f104 and f4f were nothing to ride home about

Yeag the new split BR UI is gonna take some getting used to




You can technically get 16 with TERs.

The F-15EX with AMBER racks can get 22. That’s enough missiles on a single aircraft to rival many small nation’s entire air forces lol

nope nothing in that line is Good after the Bf109s

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I agree to provide ROCAF with F16A20 equipped with AIM-120A temporarily. After all, AIM-120C5 is too advanced, and AIM-9M is a necessity

The France now have best F-16 ig. 6x 9M at 12.0 lol, gonna be deleting downtiers. And then Bl.10 with MAWS and BOL pods capable of taking 2 GBUs with em. So basically 16C but better turn, with more CMs,MAWS and i am not sure if it have HMD.


Yeah, like imagine crying hard that other nations are getting your tech bc your country sold it


I hope they change it to something like manual loading override when it’s damaged, and then slow reload by like 50-75%.

Don’t forget about the jh7a, only gave arh missiles to two of the four planes that can carry them

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speaking of aim120c how good are aim120a against the r77?

Bvvd said smth along the lines you cant manual load it, cause the repair time for it is nearly same as the time for loading.

Is it save a Block10? I ve read they are Block 15s

100km range

More range, a bit less pull if i recall correctly (cant test it tho considering that the dev serv still isnt up)

First is Bl.10 i think,second is Bl.15, still will turn better than 16C and have more goodies.

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“Gib Typhoon anything less is unfair.”

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We are getting the F-4F KWS LV, not the LA

which only means it can carry AMRAAMs

is dev server uptime ?