Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Your “F-2” and my “F.2” are very very different things good sir.

I think it was dev server list or something

Simply intended to be used differently.

R-77 are not confirmed but the real deal carried them so its very likely going to come

Right, I forgot about that one. I still wouldn’t expect it since it wasn’t shown.

Don’t play with my heart…


Many vehicles in game don’t have weaponry that they used, so that isn’t reason to believe it’ll get them.

Same ;(


Adds Tornado F2 to the Japanese TT

You said you wanted an F2

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I wouldnt wish a stock Tornado upon my worst enemy let alone my friends

I get that but still kinda an insult for the Dutch to have a Belgium gladiator over a unique home variant of the D.XXI

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the what makes you believe the brits are getting it?

could’ve gotten both

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Oh god. Stock Tornado F3… at 12.3+

200w (2)

God I hope it gets SARH stock

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I hope so

here have a F-2




Ill take the whole stock.

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You win this R&R thread

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Damn monkey paw…