Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Very surprising since they gave mig-21s and other planes we’ve seen before some screen time.

Perhaps like Smin said, they aren’t ready, or perhaps they’re indeed not coming. We’ll find out tomorrow in dev stream/server.

I will say, it is surprising they only showed hanger footage of the F-15C and they didn’t even show the rear (I wanted to see if they removed the turkey feathers or not), meanwhile the Su-27SM and the J-11A got a lot of screen time. Either the F-15C isn’t ready (and by extension F-15J and F-15C for Israel) or they’re cooking something else for those nations, including F-4F ICE for Germany.

I get to sit on my F-2 copium for one more day


Don’t get me started. Or the poor Canadian cousins

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I’d die, lmao.

Interesting euphemism for torturous but workable deathtrap.

I am going positive in K/D but that’s my enemies being paid actors, not me or the plane.


Does it have any?

My bets on sqn vehicle, no premium.

Maybe. But It simply cannot be on the TT.

It’s a possum plane 100%. Play dead/dumb, follow better 10.7 planes, and then become a vulture. It’s a shame they don’t have a way to make the J-7E a premium somehow, that thing is straight up NASTY.

Still wish it got PL-5C when they added the missile

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J-7D has bombs and I think rockets. Idk about the Bison.

Reminder that I did say that not every premium is marked as such on the list.
The MiG-21UPG is planned to be a premium.


I’m curious if they’ll give one of the belgian F-16s Magic II missiles that were apparently tested.

Regarding the new ground targets, I know something abt those softbody trucks:

Just the other day I saw them in the Dynamic Campaign, one of the Korean War a2g missions:


the important but for UK, yes? :P

Definitely seeing that happen, as it would be a typical gaijin move, considering it would be the third squadron plane for britain and might end up being in the same rank bracket as the Sea Harrier

thank you :D

you just brought back good memories about battlefield2 :D

I’d say obviously, but at this point, the copium is so strong in the air that it isn’t, so: yes.


Export J-7G variants like J-7PG, Pakistani J-7G basically.
We can still get an actual J-7G as tech tree plane with Python missiles and HMD aswell.

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Vibes for sure. Gonna blast this in my J-11 and/or ZSL-92…

Gaijin 100% fumbled the bag though by not including the Su-30M and Su-30MKK this patch @Smin1080p

So, what can you tell us about that Indian Rafale going to the UK?


This is a joke for now, please relax.

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