Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

The only thing i can see gaijin doing to extend the finish air line is a worst case scenario the Halli air trials

Finland is an official subtree of Sweden, wdym?


Finland is a sub tree for Sweden. The KV-1B in the German tree is just a relic from different times.


no, Finland is literally the ground and air sub tree of sweden, germany wont get anything else from Finland


Kv-1b, H 75a(definitely miss remembered the name lol) are unique to germany

Update Fire and Ice?

The Finnish sub-tree was added then. So it will go to Sweden.


Yeah, and they are from before the subtree was announced

i mean kinda it is just a KV1E in a finish camo lol

50, EX, NG and IIIS in all variants. Mirage III/5 ROSE.
I want them ALL!

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Better folder some of those later on, grinding 4 mirage 3 variants back to back is enough I think. 📁

Yes, still mentioning it regardless. Cause its the reason they chose the Kungstiger for a heavy instead of a kv-1 which wouldve made sense.

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Germany has got trailed stuff to fill the gaps in air they don’t need a sub tree.

Trailed F-15, F/A-18 & the order Su-27.

We all know that Germany would never get it. Gajin will broker something like with the KF41 Lynx…invent some absurd subtree mechanics to shuffle it away from German TT and add it somewhere else. Like Italy, which never used the Lynx, nor tested it or took part in its development. While the nation which designed and builds this thing won’t get it.

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The Finland could get 1 of 3 different KV-1 variants they used… One has been leaked for Finland/Sweden already.

They definitely should get a sub tree, swiss would add tons of cool ground and air

I could be misremembering things, because it has been a while since I read that thread on the forums, but didn’t Germany only trial a pre-amraam F-15B?

That is because the Lynx is Hungarian because they use it, not Italian. (I’d look at the flag of the vehicle again.)

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the lynx is in service with hungary not germany, so I dont see the complaint there (also the Aurjin remains the only vic I have seen where briish, german and russian mains have all said they dont want it and someone else can have it lol)

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I mean receiving the Arjun is more of a punishment than a gift to whichever tree gets it lol.


1942 kv-1 is worthless as it would have no lineup to play with if introduced at 4.7 better armor than kv-1b but same gun. Kv-1a could go to 3.7 but again its 1 tt tank and 2 premium so 4.0 makes more sense but nobody ever looks at lineups