They get 1 vehicle and gets voice lines yet Canada has multiple for years as it have a big deal made out of our tank in a tree the doesn’t speak English and we don’t have voices lines.
Which is still accessible, and does not have anything to support that claim from what I’ve been able to find through my own research in it.
It came from issues the Ace Combat had in remaking some of their older titles, which made people think something similar could happen to WT.
( It hadn’t, btw. Gunjob had proven that time and time over. )
A claim which hasn’t any believable proof for it anywhere. If we can’t show that there was a reason to believe this earlier, there 's certainly no reason to believe it now.
Nobody’s forgetting that.
And people would’ve thought less if it was just a tech tree vehicle but its not.
Its an event vehicle, where you gotta grind to get it.
Its in dev server, here take a look,
The problem with that is very few aircraft below 10.0 have flares.
You know what else is hopeless? Being in a flareless jet vs all-aspect missiles. Which is pretty much every game above 9.0. Gaijin at least band-aid fixed it by making a bunch of 9.0/9.3s to 8.7/9.0
Sorry, but its better the Sea Harrier sucks than further inflame the problem of any flareless jet above 9.0 being food for all-aspect slingers.
??? What? I was blatantly insulting you for finding the 10.3 harrier lacking with its all-apsects, not the new one. Give it whatever, its high enough it wont matter.
I’d fight an F-5C or MiG-21 over an A-10 in a 9.0 any day dude idk what you’re on.
its literally a damn copy paste of the american one, they just copy pasted the missile loadouts from the A and added the AMRAAM, they do not added, SPICE bombs, Popeye, Lizard LGB, no JDAM, no Python-4, no Derby which is compatible too… jesus christ man this is wrong totally wrong right now, and it should have the AN/APG-63 PSP Radar soo even the damn radar is wrong!!! my lorddd man
OBVIOUSLY some 9.3 aircraft in a full uptier vs a Sea Harrier is at a major disadvantage. But so are most 8.3s vs 9.3s. Fighting G91s in the Javelin is hopeless. Does that mean the G91s should be moved up to 10.0?
Fighting Mig-29s and F-16s in the Phantom FGR2 is hopeless. Should the FGR2 be moved down to 10.3?
Its a compression issue. Period.
But in a 10.3 vs 10.3 fight. Such Sea harrier vs F-5C, Mig-21, etc. If it has flares. the ONLY Advantage the FRS1 has is totally mitigated. It is then forced to gunfight in a platform not well suited for gunfighting. Especially super-sonics.
If Aim-9ls are barely usable at 10.3 (VS OTHER 10.3s) then the FA2 with 9Ls at 11.7 instead of Aim-9Ms is DOA. Id rather keep the 9Ms and be at 12.0 instead. That was the point I was trying to make
Uh… If any get ASRAAM it will always be block 1. I don’t know if any were equipped with block 6.
But the “late” could still get C5s when they are added. Should the F3 need a buff. But if they called it the AOP then it would never get that option. It does tell me that we probably wont ever be getting a third Tornado F3 with ASRAAM though and quite frankly the “late” does fill that 12.7 void reasonably well. We’ll have to wait and see if its worthy of 12.7 or not. im on the fence (at least with the F3 in its current state)