Hey. The US is getting the F-15C this update.
Looks like it was posted probably in ITA-WT discord server
Yes Smin. The infamous ground attacker F-15C…
you were saying
And when is the dev server?
If I understand correctly from the RU stream,
They plan on adding the ability to drag + drop reorder lineups but its not ready yet
Is this correct?
I mean it DOES get GBU8s ¯_(ツ)_/¯
It’s still being worked on yes.
sweet, one of the changes I was looking forward to most is fixing my busted lineup order
are there any plans to add AiM-9Li to the game?
It’s not a ground attacker no. It’s a new top tier AMRAAM carrier :)
14 Micas? Thats like 50% of the French Mica ordinance
- No triple launcher existed.
- Radar doesn’t support them
- MICA didn’t even have a name then.
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The summoning has worked.
Why F-15s Just have 4x120 ? should be 6 or 8
i am far from a french main, but this would be more funny than anything. but as i am not a french main im not sure if it would even be worth the br increase of the mirage 4k for this stupid amount of MICAs.
and BOL pods
How would this be done?
@Smin1080p Sorry to bother you but I guess your statement confirms India is our second sub like how France is getting the Benelux right ?