Major Update “Seek & Destroy” — DEV Server Changelog (11.06.2024)

yes, its the dev so everything’s a work in progress. should be gen 2 or maybe even 3 depending on if they go with the bug report a guy put in.

It will play a bit differently, but technically gets weaker main guns (that are still dual purpose), better secondaries, and otherwise not much else (bit slower too). I don’t think there is much difference ingame for eras of search/track radar either. So it’ll play differently, yes, with weaker main guns that may be better as DP, and will basically an an AA cruiser. That doesn’t mean that, over all, the model isn’t a port over with some new guns. I would still much rather have time invested into new, original French designs than more copy pasting (don’t forget the Tornade, LCS(L) “Alano”, and IJN Haguro) than yet another USSR MPK cancer ship or another SAM missile boat.

does python 4 will ever come to the game or gaijin just abandoned Israel IR missiles?

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I would like to have an option to play this mission through custom battles. I can’t get a single match on this map. :/


bring in rb ec but on the same menu as sim, make it so we can decided what game to join instead of it being random.

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no need, just make Air RB EC

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yeah but then youll get all the adhd riddled, skibidi (still have no fucking clue what this is) people saying it takes 10 minutes to get to battle… i thinkt heir problem is that their in an a 10 and not an actual jet.

My report, thanks ;)

Yes, what happend with “High resolution thermal imager!” for premium Leopard 2a4M CAN???

When i bought this thing i was thinking it will be with GEN2 at least…and now in devserver its barely GEN1!!!


All are great improvements. Thank you

  • For greater clarity, a small animation for the destruction of a module has been added.

Can we please get this added to X-ray view of our own ships I think it would be helpful to see to be able to see the added clarity on our own ships.

question: what is requiered to create a new Topic in the Dev category?

give the F-16ADF its 120s legit italy is screwed otherwise


Did anyone get this new mission on Golah Heights (airspawns)? I played like 20 games and didn’t get it a single time.

The Italian F-16s have always been equipped with AIM-120s, while they have never had Sparrows. Now, with the introduction of the Fox 3, it would be appropriate to equip them with the AIM-120s. After all, Italy is e always penalized in terms of armaments, and the request is more than legitimate. Also, it makes sense, following the evolution of the Italian Air Force, to have first the Tornado ADV and then the F-16 with all its armaments.

The italian community hope that the F-16s will receive their actual armament used in service and military operations, namely AIM-9L/I and or AIM-9L/1i and AIM-120 (B since C-5 is not in the game), since the current configuration is just a placeholder. It would be an outrage, and there are no other words for it, not to see an ADF in the game without its real armament, because this time there would be no plausible excuses or lack of evidence. At this point, there are several options. Update the ADF with its own missiles, or, as done with the Tornado ADV, include a second F-16 (late?) with the Fox 3.


its the dev for a reason, if they mentioned it in the dev blog its basically guaranteed to come. just wait.

I know it’s not that, but at least it should be something. I don’t know, didn’t get a single game on it.

damn, thats odd. cant see why they wouldn’t add the 120s to it. but maybe they plan to add a “late” version of it for you to grind latter lol. well have to see.

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Why Desert Warrior doesnt have Thermal and even Night vision? I mean…even older Warior (8.0) has thermals…

as people keep saying… dev server. wait

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Overall an interesting update, but there is one thing I’d like to suggest. The Yak-141 should be given R-77’s and R-73’s, as that was what it was planned to be armed with. At the very least R-73’s should be added, R-60’s were not apart of its intended armament.

Also, does anyone know if the devs plan to add a MiG-21-93 to the Soviet tech tree? It would be very similar to the premium MiG-21 Bison that Britain is getting.