Major Update “Seek & Destroy” — DEV Server Changelog (11.06.2024)

Literally none of the sources stated have any mention of the horsepower of the Super Hellcat.

Give us the actual reason why it was nerfed, will you?


man those are a lot of FM changes

Always good to see updates. Excited for Haguro and the G.I, and it’s great to have a Mk XIV in a tech tree! :D

Another winter Naval map is very welcome. :)


Holy hell that’s a ton of map adjustments, across all three modes! Most of these sound positive too. :)


Yes! :3

Woah. :O

Definitely nice to have! :)


That’s a big change, and I’m not sure I’m a fan. :/

RideR2 was hard at work


“the tracks have been replaced with physical ones”
what does this mean?

Dam should have written 30°/sec, basically its a Gearless free traverse, so you can go as fast as you are strong and fast enove. XD

Also super happy to see some other stuff also fixed, like the Sd.Kfz.222 armor and the armor of the Hängelafette of the 234/1 and 140/1.

Its a better 3D model with real physics and not pre generated movement.
The old model is multiple (visibly) layers of textures with air inbetween. The new ones are REAL 3D models with correct volume and realistic interaction with the environment.


So, literally the only non-copy/paste ships are the two cold war ships (MPK and Bernau)? Well that’s trash. Only one new WW2 era plane (Fokker G.IA), and no WW2 era vehicles. So another trash update for us naval mains and lower-tier ground/air players. Sigh. What’s even the point in adding a French naval tree if all the new ships in it are just copy pastes from already existing French ships or from other nations?

And this:

Volcanic Island — boat spawns have been moved a little closer to the center of the map so that players can sail to the central area faster. The small islands in the center are a more natural shape now, higher and more varied in relation to point B. Some islands on the collision path between Bluewater fleet vehicles have been removed.

  • Fuego islands — in both [Domination] missions some islands near the C points have been removed, and the remaining ones have been moved away from the map center. In the low-tier mission the spawn points of Bluewater fleet have been moved East so that straight paths from them to the C point form a more acute angle.
  • South Kvarken — there were too many islands for Bluewater fleet vehicles. For boats, these islands were also large and there was too much space between the islands in the boat area. The southern part has been cleared of islands.
  • Aleutian Islands — the islands blocking and preventing the passage of Bluewater fleet vehicles to point C have been removed. Boat spawns have been moved closer to points A and B respectively. Larger ship spawns have been moved further away from point C to make movement the movement path a little more parallel between the two teams.

Do we REALLY need to have even less cover on naval maps? One of the biggest on-going issues is the utter lack of cover for spawnpoints and coastal ships, not too much cover.

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Guichen may be an italian copy pasta underneath, but in terms of armament she’s nothing like the Scipio Africano she once was. So its almost fair to say that France got its first genuinely ‘new’ ship :)
and HMS Queen Mary isnt mentioned in the notes but thats new too


No, it remains a copy pasta. What naval mains need for the French tree is stuff like the Mogador, the Algérie, the Dunkerque. Not another captured Axis vessel repurposed post-war. As well, they’ve added three other non-French ships- the Le Combattante (Calpe in the Free French fleet), the Kleber (Z6 Theodore Riedel), and the Marceau (Type 1936A(Mob)) in the past updates. The actual French addition, the Tornade, meanwhilst, is just another Bourrasque-class.


pls gaijin fix the Ariete

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Are you guys ever gonna fix the helicopter target tracker bug? It’s been like 6 months and it makes Hellfire slingers nearly unusable.

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to say its the same thing is frankly moronic
nothing of its original armament remains, its gonna play completely different from the Atilla
would i rather have seen something properly French to fill the gaping hole in ranks IV/V? obviously.
but as far as non-french vessels go, Guichen is actually quite nice

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This is incredible, how far this game has come.

Absolutely beautiful. Hope everyone enjoys this update to the max!

Bless you all

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USS Wilkinson, USS Mitscher — a bug where the ammo rack continuously detonated has been fixed.

Shoutout to @Magiaconatus yet again for getting this forwarded to the devs in time for the update!

The complete blocking of ship control when the navigation bridge or conning tower is destroyed has been disabled — instead, a decrease in the controllability of the ship has been added until the repair of the bridge is completed.

Excellent! Now PLEASE remove the impact the bridge destruction has on other repair processes! I’d rather have no control over the ship than have a 30+ second debuff on every form of damage control. At least let us prioritize what to repair.

A button for cycling through weapon groups has been added — in addition to switching weapon groups via ALT+1, ALT+2 and ALT+3, a CTRL+E shortcut has been added, by which groups are selected cyclically.

Great! No longer will I have an issue with my gunners trying to change shells while I change the active weapon group.

New voice events have been added to Naval Battles. For example, change of the shell type, preparation for launch, launch itself and a loss of scout aircraft, detonation of ammo magazines, target acquisition and loss of target track with radar and many more.

Good for new players, but I have to play with the crew voices off. It’s so distracting and I’d love to be able to pick which types of callouts they make.

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I hope these two issues can be fixed, as these aircraft need theyr proper amount of missile

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so Vextra doesnt have thermals? does it have IRL?

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Oh the new sound of the 5 cm Bk 5 and 3,7 cm Bk 37 is so awesome!

However the 3 cm Mk 101, 103 and 108 sound rather bad under the weather.

if youre thinking RB EC, no

also Desert warrior doesnt have thermals… does it have IRL?