Major Update “Seek & Destroy” — DEV Server Changelog (11.06.2024)

Why is the Chinese F-16 MLU being left in the dust while the Belgian F-16AM that’s coming for france has almost all of the things that the Chinese F-16 MLU should be able to carry?


Probably because Gaijin wants to keep it where it is to fill the 12.0 BR.

Fill that BR for what? It’s not like br ranges matter in air rb when a 12.0 will almost always be sucked into 12.7 or 13.0, also it makes even less sense since the ground and air BRs are getting split now

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For F-16A Block 20 MLU (ROCAF). Gajin no problem add LANTIRN targeting pod & AGM-65G Maverick from Belgium F-16AM MLU and receive GBU-10 & GBU-12 Paveway II laser guided bomb

If the ground BR going up is such a scary thing in the eyes of gaijin or the ground players, at least give it its A2A weaponry that is already in the game and on other planes? I’m not even talking about the AMRAAMs, I mainly mean the AIM-9M, though a placeholder AIM-120A/B wouldn’t be a bad idea either until the AIM-120C gets introduced to the game.

AIM-9P-4 & AIM-9M exchange (2x stock & 6x) AIM-9P & (6x) AIM-9L. and could add AIM-120B placeholder before AIM-120C-5 replace AIM-120B in the future

At least I expect AIM-9P & AIM-9L replace by AIM-9P-4 AIM-9M

I’m having some trouble understanding what this means. Anyone have any idea?

basically when you shoot a radar missile at a radar contact, it will show you the missile and which target its going for on the radar scope


Oh thanks

I always thought this was a bug and that it wasn’t meant to slave to the radar rangefinder.

Regardless of that, holy hell the new fireflashes handle horribly. The only positive is that they have an increased range and accelerate faster.

NO, they cant take my fireflash away… i wouldn’t be able to take it.

kinda redundant when you fire them off at 3km in head ons lol. i think ive only every gotten one kill from the rear and it was against a tu 4.

Not redundant at all. Before they could follow people trying to pull off to a reasonable degree.
Now they barely move and are horribly unresponsive.

Oh, i was more referencing the extra range. In game its the radar that the limiting factor as ive always found using the saclos just made it wobble and fall out the sky. I hope this is all a bug because i dont think i could handle them taking away my fireflash :(

I tried them in a live match where (like all the saclos missiles) they handle even worse than test drive, I could make them work in headons against bots but had to treat them pretty much like a zuni or tiny ivan with better ballistics and a proxy fuze.

Even worse than test drive?
Into the garbage they go.

Are you seriously gaijin? 10mm Rolled homogeneous armor for Turret and Hull?

Its unfinished, relax lmao

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I hope this is unfinished.

Same things going on with the namer, last I looked there were like 5 composite blocks in a row, all exactly identical, and only 3 of them were “composite”, while the rest was RHA.

It’s the dev server ¯_(ツ)_/¯, and you know what they always love to say! “Its all subject to change!”