Major Update “Seek & Destroy” — DEV Server Changelog (11.06.2024)

OK, gaijin mod implemented AV-8B Plus carried 4 AIM-120 from USMC & Marina Militare Italiana

But I want gaijin implemented AIM-120A exchange with AIM-120B on AV-8B Plus before this major update to live server because AV-8B Plus not fired AIM-120A

image (26)

AIM-120A and B are functionally identical and will have no gameplay differences.


Any update regarding AGM-65G getting added to the Swedish JAS-39C? I saw it was being considered by the devs and wondered if it will appear when the update hits live

that’s good, glad they got 4 instead of 2 that was promised at first

For clarification, seeing your explanation, us and Italian av8b plus will get 4 ammrams it had irl?

Hello! Speaking of missiles;

There’s great discontent when it comes to 12.7 and 13.0 fighters equipped with AIM-9M which, on the other hand, still use AIM-9L as stock, requiring a long grind till they unlock AIM-9M, when R-73-armed planes get R-73 right away as stock and Rank I mod.

Stock grind with 2x IRs is lacking enough already for 13.0 in a meta that will soon be dominated by Fox-3, so I would even dare to suggest allowing the selection of two Fox-3s as stock, but that’s another matter;

When it comes to stock IRs, have the developers considered giving AIM-9M-armed planes the missile as stock and Rank I mod, just in the same fashion as R-73-armed planes get them as stock and Rank I mod as well?

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If this is the case then why did you guys even add them? And why did you give them only to Britain?


Since the topic of the F-16 armament is being concluded in a disappointing manner, to provide at least a minimum of fairness to the mid-tier, the following can be considered. The post is regarding the Italian G.91 R/4, considering that the R3 in the German tech tree already has these configurations and that this can also be extended to the German premium R/4. The G.91 R/4, as documented in the attached manaul - page 1-21 figure 1-8 , had a wide range of armament configurations that are not currently represented in the game. Of particular relevance is the possibility of mounting four rocket launchers, a feature recently implemented for the G.91 R/3 as well and 4 250 lbs bombs.

It is important to note that the G.91 R/4 was equal to the R/3, with the main difference being in the onboard weapons: the R/4 was equipped with four machine guns instead of the two Defa cannons of the R/3.

To ensure a more authentic and historically accurate gaming experience,the armament configurations reported in the manaul should be introduced for the G.91 R/4 of the italian tech tree.

in particular the following configurations are missing:

A) 4X rocket launchers
B) 4X 250 BOMBS

I made also a report but no one is taking care, I have already pointed out the matter when the r/3 received 4xrockets pods last patch.

Britain only ever used the AIM-120B on the Sea Harrier and F.3. AIM-120A was never present. This was proved with primary documentation, thus B was introduced. Reports can be made for any other aircraft where this is also the case (That B was the only option and A was never mounted).

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Shouldn’t the F-4F KWS also get AIM-120B then? This primary document says only AIM-120B was used


Some considerations are already underway in this area. Stay tuned to the news.


Oh, that’s excelent news, thank you for the update, I will be looking forward to the news!

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As I said, reports can be made and the devs will investigate. As far as im aware one was already submitted for review for the F-4F.


can u tell us why cant the improved baz carrys both derby and aim120 since the python platform is exactly as the derby in irl ? also have u fixed the crazy lofting and bubbling that the derby had in the dev server?

Would you be able to add the document I linked to the report? I only found this source after the report was submitted for review





So any other buffs for the Tornados planned this update besides the chaff?

Like the finished HUD, flight model, etc?

Also Please tell me the FRS1 and FA2 are getting the GR3 HUD replaced.

Is the chaff confirmed?

Confirmed to be planned, but not confirmed for this update specifically