Major Update “Seek & Destroy” — DEV Server Changelog (11.06.2024)

can u tell us why cant the improved baz carrys both derby and aim120 since the python platform is exactly as the derby in irl ? also have u fixed the crazy lofting and bubbling that the derby had in the dev server?

Would you be able to add the document I linked to the report? I only found this source after the report was submitted for review





So any other buffs for the Tornados planned this update besides the chaff?

Like the finished HUD, flight model, etc?

Also Please tell me the FRS1 and FA2 are getting the GR3 HUD replaced.

Is the chaff confirmed?

Confirmed to be planned, but not confirmed for this update specifically

Sorry but AV-8B never fired AIM-120A like Sea Harrier FA.2 and Tornado F.3 AOP

AV-8B+ armed AIM-120B only

AV-8B Plus armament store from " NATOPS FLIGHT MANUAL NAVY MODEL AV–8B/TAV–8B 161573 AND UP AIRCRAFT " (unclassified) page 519


If gaijin not ready planed this month, I hope gaijin ready for future major update

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As I said above, cases of this should be submitted in a report for review.


I strongly suggest you make bug reports at Community Bug Reporting System

Sorry 😥 I don’t know how to bug report change active radar homing medium-range Air-to-Air Missile for AV-8B+ and can’t do. but you can.

I can guide you through the process, it’s really easy. It’s only going to take 2 minutes

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I hope they fix it in this update. I’ve been waiting for 1.5 years

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it has been fixed a year ago according to gaijin. did they never fix it or did it come up again ?

“I don’t care what anything was designed to do, I care about what it can do.” - Gene Kranz


That is to say, the only relevant factor in WT is whether something can or cannot use a particular missile/shell/bomb/etc. Technical realism (what a thing is) is what’s relevant, not doctrine (what people chose to do with it).

Vehicles in WT get (or don’t get) ordnance based on what works best for balance, as due to the general adherence to technical realism in WT (can’t do things like “make plane faster / turn tighter”, etc) it’s one of the very few balance levers the devs have access to.


Of course, we could actually make everyone happy if we got a variable BR system based on equipped ordnance. This would allow a given vehicle to exist in multiple different BR lineups increasing variety and options, improve the stock grind, and effectively would not add balance difficulty as from the balance algorithm’s perspective it’s functionally the same as having multiple separate vehicles which only differ in ordnance (but is far better for us, the players).

Much like the recent split BRs by game mode, this is long overdue.


Using the word “objective” and then playing the “I speak for everyone” card literally back-to-back, that’s impressive.


Hi Smin1080p,

Will be any updates for this report:
Wrong Sidewinders’ type using in Chinese F-16 MLU // // Issues
TW F16 is still using unhistorical aim9L in game.

Do u want it at 12.7? Early F-16 FM with 9M is an easy 12.7, with amraams straight to 13.0

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it will be 12.3 the same as Belgium F16 in this update

Belgium F-16A with 9M should be 12.7, if MLU get it it should also be 12.7. hope they raiss BR


No devblog today?